Monday, December 9, 2019

Business Capstone Project Methodological and Conceptual Idea

Question: Describe about the Business Capstone Project for Methodological and Conceptual Idea. Answer: Introduction to literature review Literature review involves methodological and conceptual idea about some relevant topic in order to provide a vast knowledge on a particular subject. It will discuss the available and published information on the subject area as it includes new interpretation of the constant intellectual progress of a specific field. According to Ball et al., (2012), online business has become popular in this advanced technological world because of its cost and time effectiveness. Online business also suggests the credibility, convenient and an appropriate marketing strategy to attract the new edge consumers across the world. The concept of movable homes become popular from the Americans as it is a choice of cheap housing for mane inhabitants of USA and US. The idea of permanently living in the mobile homes becoming popular since 1970s as the housing industry failed to meet the demand of people. Movable homes are ubiquitous in the rural place of various countries, which is placed on the parcels of a specific kind of land alone or can be grouped together. Schneider (2013) has mentioned that the online business of movable homes provides the customers a perfect facility to order their requirements of movable homes and delivers it within desired time. Even the online business offers some relevant sales according to the season, which attract the consumers in perfect level. Importance of movable homes Movable homes suggest an aluminium box type structures, which carries an appropriate stigma of impermanence, non-acceptance and impoverishment. However, these kinds of stereotypes movable homes have become the first preferences of the consumers of online business because it is perfect and suitable for the moderate and low-income inhabitants of a country (Wen Yazdanifard, 2013). From recent studies, it has been reflected that at least 15% inhabitants of a Australia prefer movable homes instead of permanent home in a particular location. Although at the initial stage movable homes were manufactured only to cater the demand of low economic condition inhabitants, however, with the constant changes in the preferences of the consumers, the movable homes have become popular among the upper class and elite class people of society. As opined by Moretti Tuan (2013), the online business of movable homes has been proved as a perfect improvement of the housing condition in order to gain homeown ership at a low and affordable cost. The fundamental importance of the movable homes for the inhabitants can be inferred from the influential minds in the economic state of the nation. Even these movable homes are manufactured according to the maintenance of safety guidelines, standards and home construction. The movable homes possess a different kind of chassis, which supports an appropriate structural integrity of the entre unit with the proper design of transportation to the location of the consumers. However, movable homes were not all popular during its beginning, as it possess unique characteristic, which completely differs from the traditional concept of house (Bryman Bell, 2015). As there is constant growth in the movable house industry in the 90s, the large retailers and manufacturers have encountered a downfall in a slump. Movable homes have made a drastic progress in the suburban and urban areas. Even a community can be created with these movable homes and is generally referred as trailer parks, mobile home parks and land leased communities. According to Dastrup et al., (2012), the arrangements of these movable homes are completely different from the traditional arrangements of home in a particular locality. Movable homes nit only popular among the inhabitants, however, it is also popular among the climbers, tourists, skiers and hikers, who prefer adventures instead of traditional mode of living. The movable homes usually contain every necessities and requirementsof life and it possess with the facilities of opening the roof in order allow the fresh air and sunshine into the home. Even there are also facilities of hammock, which helps an individual to enjo y the sleeping experience in a mobile home. In more of these mobile homes, the toilet and storage spaces are hidden. Caspi et al., (2012) have contradicted that the movable homes in Australia and New Zealand are contained with bunk beds, kitchen, dressing room and toilet. As there are beautiful holiday destinations available in various cities of Australia and New Zealand, therefore, every organisation in the movable home industry mainly tries to attract the tourists rather than the inhabitants because it is an easy process to move these movable homes. Concept of online business Xiao et al., (2014) have suggested that the modern and advanced technology has completely transformed the basic way of conducting the business operations as it allows a business to automate various manual process and operations in fast6ter period than the traditional mode of transaction. The modern technology has created and has built a strong relationship in between the customers and business organisation. Everybody in this modern era has access of social media ad every organisations use the social media platform as a mode of promoting, advertising and selling products and services. As opposed by Belk (2014), some companies have gone through a drastic changes in the entire organisations while improving the business functions and operations. However, there are complete different visions of the usage of modern technology by some companies just because of the widespread of internet. The significant characteristics of online business are the fundamental ability in order to transfer and communicate important information with the effective help of internet. The companies who conduct online business with potential use of internet have developed the business and organisation website in constant manner in order to provide the consumers relevant information about the product and services. As opposed by Barkemeyer et al. (2014), online business also allows an organisation to search for effective ways to reduce the basic operational costs for saving the capital money for better production of the services and products. The online business, which sells movable homes to the consumers usually directly sells or takes help of the middle parties. With the potential use of internet, these online businesses can generate a proper pipeline in order to make appropriate sales revenue for business in future. Online business is effective enough to clear any kind of misconception of the customers regarding the offered products and services as the official online website of organisations usually contain of relevant information about the facilities and features of the offered services and products. Bock et al. (2014) have stated that however, some small organisation fails to change the process of online business according to the demand of the consumers and encountered severe loss. On the other hand, the major companies are potential enough to transform and update their online business in order to give its competitor companies a tough fight in the specific market and industry. Even these companies have recruited sof tware developer to take care of their website and invest lump sum money in the advancement of modern technology in order to serve the technologically advanced consumers. Cummings Worley (2014) have contradicted that the demand of the consumers also transform with the constant changes in the technology and internet. Online business process helps an organisation in several ways including the marketing, advertising, communicating, promoting and launching products or services. The investors and the marketers can make a thorough survey regarding the existing and contemporary demand of the markets from online business and an organisation can update their services and products according to the market research and online feedback (Carroll Buchholtz, 2014). Importance of movable homes Movable homes have become increasingly popular nowadays because of its unique and interesting features. The movable homes appear in a form of miniature abode, which can be used as both temporary and permanent residential cabins. Vom Brocke et al. (2014) have contradicted that the size and the units of the movable homes may vary from one another according to the requirements and demands of the consumers. Even the technological advancement helps to arrange extravagant bedrooms and toilet within the movable homes in perfect manner. Many people invest a large amount of money on their mobile homes and these movable homes are generally customised according to the requirements of the consumer. These movable homes can be used as permanently or in the holiday destination, the manufacturer companies take care of the aesthetic portion of these movable homes instead of making it a bigger and spacious one. Perera et al. (2014) have argued that the movable homes should be strong enough to prevent any kind of environmental crisis and changes. The modern technology helps the movable homes to be infrastructured with the installation of modern amenities and facilities. There are various skirting options available in order to make the base of it securer than the traditional mode of housing process. The inhabitants of Australia and New Zealand select movable homes instead of full-fledged homes because of extensive ranges of different size and units, which is ranged from vary small cabins to the large spacious villas. As the movable homes are perfect for those people who relocate in frequent manner from one place to another, therefore, these companies, which sells movable business earns great sales revenue. According to Botha et al. (2014), the major popularity of movable homes involve that it allows the inhabitants to move other location with all its required comforts. There are also safeguarding elements present in the outside of movable homes on order to prevent the home from th e serious effects of the environmental factors with the help of mobile home skirting. Another major reason of liking movable homes rather than the constructed home is its affordability. Even the modern technologies are so advanced that the movable homes and its interior operations ca be controlled by an iPhone or iPad. Inhabitants of Australia and New Zealand prefer movable homes because it can be moved from one place to another in easy process and it is made of transportable units, timber an possess adjustable parts. As opposed by Wilson (2014), the movable homes are made in order to prevent earthquakes, reducing the scope of collapse and preventing of fire. Online business of movable homes There are various renowned and small companies sell movable homes to the consumers of Australia. The large companies generally target the travellers and the inhabitants who prefer adventures rather than the normal lifestyle. In the opinion of Slack (2015), even the young generations are also the targeted customers of these online companies. As in todays fast forward lifestyle, more or less everyone access various social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snap chat and the official website of the company, therefore every organisation promotes the concept of movable homes in these social media platform (Ashkenas et al., 2015). The online business of movable homes attracts the consumers by revealing various modern facilities and amenities of it such as affordability, portability and easy dissembles process. There are several companies available in the market of online business of movable homes in the Australian market. All of these companies offer something different, unique a nd interesting features while manufacturing the movable homes for the consumers. Ferrell Fraedrich (2015) have mentioned that the offered movable homes differ from one company to other and there is a huge competition in the online business of movable homes. All the existing companies and the new companies offer movable homes with various modern amenities. For instance, the movable homes used in seaside obviously will be different from the movable homes in the park. An organisation usually manufactures these movable homes after thoroughly knowing the criteria and demands of the consumer. Serra Kunc (2015) have reflected that there are constant changes in the customers demand and the technologies, therefore, the business experts, designers and supervisors make unique and interesting movable homes in order to attract the new edge generation. All of these companies share relevant and appropriate information in detailed manner about the movable homes in order to provide a clear and transparent view. The consumer can understand about every offered feature of the movable homes and order their own with customised requirements. Although the companies in online business charge some extra money for customised design movable homes. Kotler et al. (2015) have mentioned that these companies provide effective advertisements of the movable homes on their official online website for easy and free access of the consumers of Australia and New Zealand. With the constant and gradual increment in the industry of movable homes, these companies are holding a great market share by 43% in th e industry. Even these companies use magazines, leaflets, pamphlets and newspapers to attract the inhabitants of Australia. Conclusion The concept of movable homes are not only popular in the cities of Australia and New Zealand, however, across the world. Following these trend, many organisation have stepped into this industry in order to curve a large amount of profit for achieving the established goal and retain the existing market share within a particular industry. Even some companies have started the facility of renting the movable homes to the consumers in order to provide the taste and experience of adventure for short period. A consumer always agrees to spend more money to the online business instead of local business, who sells movable homes only because online business involves international design, structure and amenities, which a local business fail to provide. Even online business plays a vital role to mitigate the drawbacks of the economic leakage. An online business destroys the entire structure of the traditional mode of business for a smooth transaction. References Ball, D., Geringer, M., Minor, M., McNett, J. (2012).International business. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Wen, W. C., Yazdanifard, R. (2013). 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