Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Essay on Women and Social Change The Wild and Roaring...
The Wild and Roaring Twenties The roaring twenties, also known as the Jazz Age or the Golden Twenties, was a time of dramatic social changes, lifestyle changes, and changes in culture that took place in the United States, the United Kingdom, and in Canada. Women began to demand equal rights as the wealth of these nations doubled. Some of the many social changes included the women getting their hair cut short, in a bob-like style, by male barbers. The women also began to wear shorter skirts, as well as skimpy beachwear. The dramatic change in clothes caused some to be arrested for too much exposure of their skin. Many of the women who were involved in this rebellious movement were known as flappers (pbs). During this time, the†¦show more content†¦Movies became a popular source of entertainment. Millions of people attended the movie theaters every week. The actors of the 1910’s were never named, especially the women actresses. However, by the 1920’s, the actors and actresses were becoming famous. After that, many movie producers received their money mainly because of the actors in the movies. When the actor, Rudolf Valentino died, fans traveled miles to see his embalmed body for the last time. This excitement caused riots to break out. This was not the only thing breaking out though. The 1920s Jazz Age was in full force. In the year of 1925, the Jazz Age was in full swing. Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington made their first recording together. The first musicians to incorporate guitar and violin into jazz were Eddie Lang and Joe Venuti. Classical music, folk music and operettas were all transformed into popular dances, which were performed at dance c lubs. The dance clubs that played this type of music became enormously popular in the twenties. The most popular types of dances included the fox trot, the waltz and the American tango. According to my Grandmother, Ann Clower, my Grandfather loved to dance the fox trot. Many other types of dances were also created during this time, including the break away, the Charleston, and the lindy hop, which was later turned into the swing (history learning site). With the changes in music in the 1920s,adio stations also had new changes.Show MoreRelatedWomen s Changing Societal Roles923 Words  | 4 PagesFrom the dawn of what is now the United States of America, women dressed modestly and acted in a very measured manner. The nineteen twenties brought about a new social group known as the flappers, â€Å"young birds, or wild ducks, that are flapping their wings as they’re learning to fly†(Spivack). A flapper, in the nineteen twenties, was considered as a fashionable youn g woman who enjoys herself while scorning conventional standards of conduct. This drastic transition caused a shift in women’s civilizationRead MoreThe Roaring Twenties By Louise Brooks928 Words  | 4 PagesThe Roaring Twenties fostered a split between America’s past and future. Prior to World War I, America remained rooted in the conservative nature of the nineteenth century. After the war ended, Americans broke away from their traditional habits and intellection as they transitioned into a modern era. The rapid social and economic change influenced innovation that caused people’s morals to deviate from their upbringing. Many people began to take bold moves that later influenced a decade full of culturalRead MoreThe Role of Women in the 1920s and F. Scott Fitzgerald’s the Great Gatsby1561 Words  | 7 PagesThe Roaring Twenties: a time when women broke out of their shells of modesty and were not afraid to bare a little skin or wear a bit of makeup ; when women finally gained some control; when jazz music, drinking and partying were what society lived for; when flappers danced the night away. The 1920s was an era of great change in society’s attitude toward many different aspects of life. For instance, what was considered acceptable behavior for women and the way men treated their wives drasticallyRead MoreEssay on The Roaring Twenties1209 Words  | 5 PagesThe Roaring Twenties Do you ever find yourself wondering why the 1920s were called the Roaring Twenties? The Roaring Twenties was a celebration of youth and culture. During the 1920s, many different forms of art, music, and literature began. There were many changes that took place in the 1920s, and many people were influenced by these changes. The Roaring Twenties was a constant party because America was celebrating the victory of World War I. Many customs and values changed in the UnitedRead MoreF. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby1378 Words  | 6 Pagesregarded as one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century. He wrote novels and many short stories but he is mostly known for his iconic novel â€Å"The Great Gatsby.†This American Classic, written in 1925 takes place in New York during The Roaring 20’s. The novel revolves around this interesting character named Jay Gatsby. He is from North Dakota, and around 30 years old. Born poor, motivated him to do anything to acq uire his longtime dream to become wealthy. Apart from that, he was also motivatedRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1327 Words  | 6 Pagesas the â€Å"Roaring Twenties†and â€Å"Jazz Age†, marked an era of social changes and cultural differences in the United States. It was a time where women weren’t seen just for their â€Å"housewife†roles, but for their new rights and freedoms. Technology was expanding, prohibition against alcohol developed, and the cultural civil war began. All of these racy changes that developed in the decade of the 1920s are expressed in the book, The Great Gatsby. (History) In 1919, under the 19th amendment women were givenRead MoreAmerican Society During The Roaring Twenties1844 Words  | 8 PagesThe Roaring Twenties was known to many as an infamous age of sex, lawlessness, and prohibition. The twenties were much more than that actually it was time where the American society had a dramatic shift from its rural roots to the bustling city. American society was changing from the rural farm days. Many people were moving into the city and buying new gadgets that were being invited. Society was turning into a consumer Society this meant that many people across the country were buying the same productsRead MoreEssay on How Did American Culture Change During the Jazz Age?1140 Words  | 5 PagesWhat was the Jazz Age in America? Also known as the Roaring Twenties’, it was when American ways were beginning to modernize. Before the stock market had crashed and the Great Depression started, culture was booming in America. Dance was changing rapidly and new styles of dances were being created. Women began to wear shorter clothes, cut their hair, and some even had jobs, while the Flapper girls gave other young women an outlook of freedom. People began to go see films and movie stars became famousRead MoreInfluences on F. Scott Fitzgeralds writing in The Great Gatsby1658 Words  | 7 PagesThe Roaring Twenties was a period of frivolous days and exciting nights. Times were prosperous and life was good for most. In The Great Gatsby, published in 1925, F. Scott Fitzgerald writes about the fictitious life of Jay Gatsby, a self-made millionaire (Gross 1). The setting of the novel is New York in the twenties, a time, and place, where people were jovial and carefree. In New York, more than anywhere, people did not worry about lifes downs, but focused on the highlife and partying. ProhibitionRead MoreJazz : A From The Past1846 Words  | 8 Pagestransformation in our nation that would forever alter the course of human history. Beca use of jazz’s popularity during this time period, the 1920s will forever be known as â€Å"The Jazz Age.†This was an age of moral rebellion, illegal activity, social and familial changes, and loud, cutting-edge music. It was said that jazz music â€Å"encouraged vice, sensuality, belligerence, and indiscipline†(Scruton 1). Additionally, jazz was described as â€Å"an influence for evil,†according to the 1921 Ladies’ Home Journal
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Essay about Alzheimers Disease - 653 Words
Alzheimers Disease Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1906 was the first to described Alzheimers disease (AD). Millions of people have been diagnosed with the disease ever since. Alzheimers disease (pronounced Alz-hi-merz) is a progressive, degenerative disease that attacks the brain and results in impaired memory, thinking and behavior. Frequently Asked Questions Does Alzheimers disease occur in younger adults? Yes, though less frequently. The disease can occur in people in their 30s, 40s and 50s, however, most people diagnosed with Alzheimers are older than 65. The early onset form of the disease that strikes younger people accounts for less than 10 percent of all reported cases and is considered quite rare. Scientists believe†¦show more content†¦Individuals who exhibit several of these symptoms should see a physician for a complete examination. Memory loss that affects job skills. Its normal to occasionally forget an assignment, deadline or colleagues name, but frequent forgetfulness or unexplainable confusion at home or in the workplace may signal that somethings wrong. Difficulty performing familiar tasks. Busy people get distracted from time to time. For example, you might leave something on the stove too long or not remember to serve part of a meal. People with Alzheimers might prepare a meal and not only forget to serve it, but also forget they made it. Problems with language. Everyone has trouble finding the right word sometimes, but a person with Alzheimers disease may forget simple words or substitute inappropriate words, making his or her sentences difficult to understand. Disorientation to time and place. Its normal to momentarily forget the day of the week or what you need from the store. But people with Alzheimers disease can become lost on their own street, not knowing where they are, how they got there or how to get back home. Poor or decreased judgment. Choosing not to bring a sweater or coat along on a chilly night is a common mistake. A person with Alzheimers, however, may dress inappropriately in more noticeable ways, wearing a bathrobe to the storeShow MoreRelatedAlzheimers Disease945 Words  | 4 PagesAlzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s Disease is a progressive neurological disease; it often attacks the brain tissues causing memory loss of one’s identity and regular behaviors. Statistics indicates that the rate of predicted people to get Alzheimer’s will increase briskly as time goes on. There are currently no cures for such disastrous disease, but there are currently approved treatments available that can help people within the early stages of Alzheimer’s. Once the disease is too far alongRead MoreAlzheimers Disease3170 Words  | 13 PagesThe Role of Caregiving to Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease Megan Zann April 27, 2012 Health Psychology Dr. Ackerman Introduction It is normal to periodically forget your keys or a homework assignment, because you generally remember these things later. However, individuals who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease may forget things more often, but they do not remember them again. The incidence of Alzheimer’s disease has dramatically increased because people are living longer. This is a result ofRead MoreEssay on Alzheimers Disease1503 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia that gets worse over time. It leads to nerve cell death, and tissue loss throughout the brain. Over time, the brain shrinks dramatically, affecting nearly all its functions. It gradually destroys a persons memory and ability to learn and carry out daily activities such as talking, eating, and going to the bathroom†(What Is Alzheimer’s). Early symptoms include personality changes, memory impairment, problems with language, decision-making ability, judgmentRead MoreAlzheimers Dis ease Essay2414 Words  | 10 PagesAlzheimers Disease Alzheimer’s disease is the disease of the century. This disease is affecting many lives, families, and caregivers. This research presented is to help educate on the topic of Alzheimer’s disease, which many people aren’t aware enough about. Statistics are given to show how extreme this disease is, and how many people it’s affecting in society. Also statistics are presented that give the amount of money being spent relating to Alzheimer’s disease. This research explainsRead MoreAlzheimer’s Disease Essay2544 Words  | 11 PagesAlzheimer’s disease defined: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive, terminal, degenerative brain disease. It is the fourth leading cause of death in adults and currently affects over four million people in the United States. This number is expected to increase over the next several years as the baby boomers age, until it reaches fourteen million by the year 2025. Alzheimer disease generally occurs in people over seventy five years of age; however it does strike people in their forties, fiftiesRead MoreEssay on Alzheimers Disease2405 Words  | 10 PagesAlzheimers Disease is a condition that affects 50% of the population over the age of eighty five, which equals four million Americans each year. It is becoming an important and high-profile issue in todays society for everyone. There are rapid advancements being made in the fight against this disease now more than ever, and the purpose of this essay is to educate the public on the background as well as the new discoveries. There are many new drugs that are being tested and studied every day whichRead MoreEssay on Alzheimers Disease813 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Topic: Alzheimer’s Disease Specific Purpose: To help my audience understand what Alzheimer’s Disease is. Thesis Statement: The need to educate people on Alzheimer’s Disease for family members or friends in-case a loved one is diagnosed. Introduction: A. What would one do if their family member or friend knew of someone who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease? What would they do to help or take care of this family member? Well, I work in a nursing home with the elderly with this diseaseRead MoreAlzheimers Disease Essay2168 Words  | 9 PagesAlzheimer’s disease or AD is an incurable disorder of the brain that results in loss of normal brain structure and function. In an AD brain, normal brain tissue is slowly replaced by structures called plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. The plaques represent a naturally occurring sticky protein called beta amyloid and in an Alzheimer’s brain, sufferer’s tend to accumulate too much of this protein. Neurofibrillary tangles represent collapsed tau proteins which, in a normal brain along with microtubulesRead MoreEssay on Alzheimers Disease 512 Words  | 3 Pagesmajor medical advancements like the world has never seen before, some diseases still continue t o plague the human race and confuse even some of the brightest scientists today. Unfortunately, Alzheimer Disease (AD) is one of them and it affects between 2.4 and 4.5 million people in America. Alzheimer’s is usually diagnosed in people over the age of 65, but in rarer cases people as young as 16 have it. Since it is a degenerative disease, patients develop it with few symptoms at an earlier stage, but thenRead More Alzheimer’s Disease Essay1176 Words  | 5 PagesAlzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s Disease is a disease of the future. With the growing aged population, this disease, which affects primarily the elderly, will become of increasing relevance to the medical profession. Also, the high frequency of Alzheimer’s, and the high cost in labor, money, and material of caring for its victims shall put considerable burden on the society as a whole. Here, however, these issues are not going to be debated. Instead the pathology of Alzheimer’s will be reviewed
Monday, December 9, 2019
Business Capstone Project Methodological and Conceptual Idea
Question: Describe about the Business Capstone Project for Methodological and Conceptual Idea. Answer: Introduction to literature review Literature review involves methodological and conceptual idea about some relevant topic in order to provide a vast knowledge on a particular subject. It will discuss the available and published information on the subject area as it includes new interpretation of the constant intellectual progress of a specific field. According to Ball et al., (2012), online business has become popular in this advanced technological world because of its cost and time effectiveness. Online business also suggests the credibility, convenient and an appropriate marketing strategy to attract the new edge consumers across the world. The concept of movable homes become popular from the Americans as it is a choice of cheap housing for mane inhabitants of USA and US. The idea of permanently living in the mobile homes becoming popular since 1970s as the housing industry failed to meet the demand of people. Movable homes are ubiquitous in the rural place of various countries, which is placed on the parcels of a specific kind of land alone or can be grouped together. Schneider (2013) has mentioned that the online business of movable homes provides the customers a perfect facility to order their requirements of movable homes and delivers it within desired time. Even the online business offers some relevant sales according to the season, which attract the consumers in perfect level. Importance of movable homes Movable homes suggest an aluminium box type structures, which carries an appropriate stigma of impermanence, non-acceptance and impoverishment. However, these kinds of stereotypes movable homes have become the first preferences of the consumers of online business because it is perfect and suitable for the moderate and low-income inhabitants of a country (Wen Yazdanifard, 2013). From recent studies, it has been reflected that at least 15% inhabitants of a Australia prefer movable homes instead of permanent home in a particular location. Although at the initial stage movable homes were manufactured only to cater the demand of low economic condition inhabitants, however, with the constant changes in the preferences of the consumers, the movable homes have become popular among the upper class and elite class people of society. As opined by Moretti Tuan (2013), the online business of movable homes has been proved as a perfect improvement of the housing condition in order to gain homeown ership at a low and affordable cost. The fundamental importance of the movable homes for the inhabitants can be inferred from the influential minds in the economic state of the nation. Even these movable homes are manufactured according to the maintenance of safety guidelines, standards and home construction. The movable homes possess a different kind of chassis, which supports an appropriate structural integrity of the entre unit with the proper design of transportation to the location of the consumers. However, movable homes were not all popular during its beginning, as it possess unique characteristic, which completely differs from the traditional concept of house (Bryman Bell, 2015). As there is constant growth in the movable house industry in the 90s, the large retailers and manufacturers have encountered a downfall in a slump. Movable homes have made a drastic progress in the suburban and urban areas. Even a community can be created with these movable homes and is generally referred as trailer parks, mobile home parks and land leased communities. According to Dastrup et al., (2012), the arrangements of these movable homes are completely different from the traditional arrangements of home in a particular locality. Movable homes nit only popular among the inhabitants, however, it is also popular among the climbers, tourists, skiers and hikers, who prefer adventures instead of traditional mode of living. The movable homes usually contain every necessities and requirementsof life and it possess with the facilities of opening the roof in order allow the fresh air and sunshine into the home. Even there are also facilities of hammock, which helps an individual to enjo y the sleeping experience in a mobile home. In more of these mobile homes, the toilet and storage spaces are hidden. Caspi et al., (2012) have contradicted that the movable homes in Australia and New Zealand are contained with bunk beds, kitchen, dressing room and toilet. As there are beautiful holiday destinations available in various cities of Australia and New Zealand, therefore, every organisation in the movable home industry mainly tries to attract the tourists rather than the inhabitants because it is an easy process to move these movable homes. Concept of online business Xiao et al., (2014) have suggested that the modern and advanced technology has completely transformed the basic way of conducting the business operations as it allows a business to automate various manual process and operations in fast6ter period than the traditional mode of transaction. The modern technology has created and has built a strong relationship in between the customers and business organisation. Everybody in this modern era has access of social media ad every organisations use the social media platform as a mode of promoting, advertising and selling products and services. As opposed by Belk (2014), some companies have gone through a drastic changes in the entire organisations while improving the business functions and operations. However, there are complete different visions of the usage of modern technology by some companies just because of the widespread of internet. The significant characteristics of online business are the fundamental ability in order to transfer and communicate important information with the effective help of internet. The companies who conduct online business with potential use of internet have developed the business and organisation website in constant manner in order to provide the consumers relevant information about the product and services. As opposed by Barkemeyer et al. (2014), online business also allows an organisation to search for effective ways to reduce the basic operational costs for saving the capital money for better production of the services and products. The online business, which sells movable homes to the consumers usually directly sells or takes help of the middle parties. With the potential use of internet, these online businesses can generate a proper pipeline in order to make appropriate sales revenue for business in future. Online business is effective enough to clear any kind of misconception of the customers regarding the offered products and services as the official online website of organisations usually contain of relevant information about the facilities and features of the offered services and products. Bock et al. (2014) have stated that however, some small organisation fails to change the process of online business according to the demand of the consumers and encountered severe loss. On the other hand, the major companies are potential enough to transform and update their online business in order to give its competitor companies a tough fight in the specific market and industry. Even these companies have recruited sof tware developer to take care of their website and invest lump sum money in the advancement of modern technology in order to serve the technologically advanced consumers. Cummings Worley (2014) have contradicted that the demand of the consumers also transform with the constant changes in the technology and internet. Online business process helps an organisation in several ways including the marketing, advertising, communicating, promoting and launching products or services. The investors and the marketers can make a thorough survey regarding the existing and contemporary demand of the markets from online business and an organisation can update their services and products according to the market research and online feedback (Carroll Buchholtz, 2014). Importance of movable homes Movable homes have become increasingly popular nowadays because of its unique and interesting features. The movable homes appear in a form of miniature abode, which can be used as both temporary and permanent residential cabins. Vom Brocke et al. (2014) have contradicted that the size and the units of the movable homes may vary from one another according to the requirements and demands of the consumers. Even the technological advancement helps to arrange extravagant bedrooms and toilet within the movable homes in perfect manner. Many people invest a large amount of money on their mobile homes and these movable homes are generally customised according to the requirements of the consumer. These movable homes can be used as permanently or in the holiday destination, the manufacturer companies take care of the aesthetic portion of these movable homes instead of making it a bigger and spacious one. Perera et al. (2014) have argued that the movable homes should be strong enough to prevent any kind of environmental crisis and changes. The modern technology helps the movable homes to be infrastructured with the installation of modern amenities and facilities. There are various skirting options available in order to make the base of it securer than the traditional mode of housing process. The inhabitants of Australia and New Zealand select movable homes instead of full-fledged homes because of extensive ranges of different size and units, which is ranged from vary small cabins to the large spacious villas. As the movable homes are perfect for those people who relocate in frequent manner from one place to another, therefore, these companies, which sells movable business earns great sales revenue. According to Botha et al. (2014), the major popularity of movable homes involve that it allows the inhabitants to move other location with all its required comforts. There are also safeguarding elements present in the outside of movable homes on order to prevent the home from th e serious effects of the environmental factors with the help of mobile home skirting. Another major reason of liking movable homes rather than the constructed home is its affordability. Even the modern technologies are so advanced that the movable homes and its interior operations ca be controlled by an iPhone or iPad. Inhabitants of Australia and New Zealand prefer movable homes because it can be moved from one place to another in easy process and it is made of transportable units, timber an possess adjustable parts. As opposed by Wilson (2014), the movable homes are made in order to prevent earthquakes, reducing the scope of collapse and preventing of fire. Online business of movable homes There are various renowned and small companies sell movable homes to the consumers of Australia. The large companies generally target the travellers and the inhabitants who prefer adventures rather than the normal lifestyle. In the opinion of Slack (2015), even the young generations are also the targeted customers of these online companies. As in todays fast forward lifestyle, more or less everyone access various social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snap chat and the official website of the company, therefore every organisation promotes the concept of movable homes in these social media platform (Ashkenas et al., 2015). The online business of movable homes attracts the consumers by revealing various modern facilities and amenities of it such as affordability, portability and easy dissembles process. There are several companies available in the market of online business of movable homes in the Australian market. All of these companies offer something different, unique a nd interesting features while manufacturing the movable homes for the consumers. Ferrell Fraedrich (2015) have mentioned that the offered movable homes differ from one company to other and there is a huge competition in the online business of movable homes. All the existing companies and the new companies offer movable homes with various modern amenities. For instance, the movable homes used in seaside obviously will be different from the movable homes in the park. An organisation usually manufactures these movable homes after thoroughly knowing the criteria and demands of the consumer. Serra Kunc (2015) have reflected that there are constant changes in the customers demand and the technologies, therefore, the business experts, designers and supervisors make unique and interesting movable homes in order to attract the new edge generation. All of these companies share relevant and appropriate information in detailed manner about the movable homes in order to provide a clear and transparent view. The consumer can understand about every offered feature of the movable homes and order their own with customised requirements. Although the companies in online business charge some extra money for customised design movable homes. Kotler et al. (2015) have mentioned that these companies provide effective advertisements of the movable homes on their official online website for easy and free access of the consumers of Australia and New Zealand. With the constant and gradual increment in the industry of movable homes, these companies are holding a great market share by 43% in th e industry. Even these companies use magazines, leaflets, pamphlets and newspapers to attract the inhabitants of Australia. Conclusion The concept of movable homes are not only popular in the cities of Australia and New Zealand, however, across the world. Following these trend, many organisation have stepped into this industry in order to curve a large amount of profit for achieving the established goal and retain the existing market share within a particular industry. Even some companies have started the facility of renting the movable homes to the consumers in order to provide the taste and experience of adventure for short period. A consumer always agrees to spend more money to the online business instead of local business, who sells movable homes only because online business involves international design, structure and amenities, which a local business fail to provide. Even online business plays a vital role to mitigate the drawbacks of the economic leakage. An online business destroys the entire structure of the traditional mode of business for a smooth transaction. References Ball, D., Geringer, M., Minor, M., McNett, J. (2012).International business. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Wen, W. C., Yazdanifard, R. (2013). 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Sunday, December 1, 2019
Yoga OBservation Essay Example For Students
Yoga OBservation Essay The Rhythm of Your Breath. The Atlanta Yoga is a studio that is housed in a loft located in Midtown West. Atlanta Yoga has been opened for about six years and it offers many levels of yoga classes for the public. According to Ms. Adele Gale, the owner and director, Atlanta Yoga does not have a formal mission but is there to spread the form of yoga known as Ashtanga, which in Sanskrit means the eighth limb. This form of yoga works with synchronization of deep rhythmic breathing and movements. By regulating your breathing it aids your body with strengthening the body, helping with digestion, regulating metabolism and helps with decreasing blood pressure.Upon entering the building, I was engulf in a wave of heat which Ms. Gale explained was there to aid in releasing unwanted toxins through perspiration. The lights were dimmed and the atmosphere was very relaxing with a hint of incense lurking in the air. The class was relatively full with an aura sense of serenity and tranquility amongst the participants. After g rabbing a studio mat I joined the rest of the class in the scorching heat. I now know what the web site meant when it advised us to wear as little as possible. During the seventy-five minutes class we did several exercises which all focused on the awareness of the breath. Positions like lying dog and sitting dog focused on maintaining regular breathing patterns. As we got further along in the exercises and different positions, the unbearable heat actually began to feel comfortable and after a while the sweat dripping off my nose no longer existed. The only thing going through your mind was the steady beat of your breath. It is not a class for you to sit and observe but a class that you must participant in to fully understand the concept of Ashtanga. This class allows you to become in tuned with your body and the rhythm of your lungs as it inhale and exhale. This is a class that I would definitely recommend to anyone who wants to be in tune with their body. Words/ Pages : 365 / 24 We will write a custom essay on Yoga OBservation specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Yoga OBservation Essay Example For Students Yoga OBservation Essay The Rhythm of Your Breath. The Atlanta Yoga is a studio that is housed in a loft located in Midtown West. Atlanta Yoga has been opened for about six years and it offers many levels of yoga classes for the public. According to Ms. Adele Gale, the owner and director, Atlanta Yoga does not have a formal mission but is there to spread the form of yoga known as Ashtanga, which in Sanskrit means the eighth limb. This form of yoga works with synchronization of deep rhythmic breathing and movements. By regulating your breathing it aids your body with strengthening the body, helping with digestion, regulating metabolism and helps with decreasing blood pressure. Upon entering the building, I was engulf in a wave of heat which Ms. Gale explained was there to aid in releasing unwanted toxins through perspiration. The lights were dimmed and the atmosphere was very relaxing with a hint of incense lurking in the air. The class was relatively full with an aura sense of serenity and tranquility amongst the participants. We will write a custom essay on Yoga OBservation specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now After grabbing a studio mat I joined the rest of the class in the scorching heat. I now know what the web site meant when it advised us to wear as little as possible. During the seventy-five minutes class we did several exercises which all focused on the awareness of the breath. Positions like lying dog and sitting dog focused on maintaining regular breathing patterns. As we got further along in the exercises and different positions, the unbearable heat actually began to feel comfortable and after a while the sweat dripping off my nose no longer existed. The only thing going through your mind was the steady beat of your breath. It is not a class for you to sit and observe but a class that you must participant in to fully understand the concept of Ashtanga. This class allows you to become in tuned with your body and the rhythm of your lungs as it inhale and exhale. This is a class that I would definitely recommend to anyone who wants to be in tune with their body. .
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
USS Minnesota (BB-22) in the Great White Fleet
USS Minnesota (BB-22) in the Great White Fleet USS Minnesota (BB-22) - Overview: Nation: United States Type: Battleship Shipyard: Newport News Shipbuilding Drydock Company Laid Down: October 27, 1903 Launched: April 8, 1905 Commissioned: March 9, 1907 Fate: Sold for scrap, 1924 USS Minnesota (BB-22) - Specifications Displacement: 16,000 tons Length: 456.3 ft. Beam: 76.9 ft. Draft: 24.5 ft. Speed: 18 knots Complement: 880 men Armament 4 Ãâ€" 12 in./45 cal guns8 Ãâ€" 8 in./45 cal guns12 Ãâ€" 7 in./45 cal guns20 Ãâ€" 3 in./50 cal guns12 Ãâ€" 3 pounders2 Ãâ€" 1 pounders4 Ãâ€" 21 in. torpedo tubes USS Minnesota (BB-22) - Design Construction: With construction beginning on the Virginia-class (USS Virginia, USS Nebraska, USS Georgia, USS , and USS ) of battleship in 1901, Secretary of the Navy John D. Long consulted the US Navys system of bureaus and boards for their input regarding the design of capital ships. While their thoughts centered on equipping the next class of battleships with four 12 guns, energetic debate continued over the types secondary armament. Following extensive discussions, it was decided to arm the new type with eight 8 guns placed in four waist turrets. These were to be supported by twelve rapid-fire 7 guns. Achieving a compromise with this armament, the new class pushed forward and on July 1, 1902 approval was received for construction of two battleships, USS Connecticut (BB-18) and USS (BB-19). Dubbed the Connecticut-class, this type would ultimately comprise six battleships. Laid down on October 27, 1903, work commenced on USS Minnesota at the Newport News Shipbuilding Drydock Company. Less than two years later, the battleship entered the water on April 8, 1905, with Rose Schaller, the daughter of a Minnesota state senator, acting as sponsor. Building continued for nearly two years before the ship entered commission on March 9, 1907, with Captain John Hubbard in command. Though the US Navys most modern type, the Connecticut-class was made obsolete that December when British Admiral Sir John Fisher introduced the all-big gun HMS Dreadnought. Departing Norfolk, Minnesota steamed north for a shakedown cruise off New England before returning the Chesapeake to take part in the Jamestown Exposition that April to September. USS Minnesota (BB-22) - Great White Fleet: In 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt became concerned about the US Navys lack of strength in the Pacific due to the increasing danger posed by Japan. To demonstrate to the Japanese that the United States could easily switch its main battle fleet to the Pacific, he directed that a world cruise of the countrys battleships be planned. Dubbed the Great White Fleet, Minnesota, still commanded by Hubbard, was directed to join the forces Third Division, Second Squadron. Both the flagship of the division and squadron, Minnesota embarked Rear Admiral Charles Thomas. Other elements of the division included the battleships USS Maine (BB-10), USS Missouri (BB-11), and USS Ohio (BB-12). Leaving from Hampton Roads on December 16, the fleet sailed south through the Atlantic and made visits to Trinidad and Rio de Janeiro before reaching Punta Arenas, Chile on February 1, 1908. Passing through the Straits of Magellan, the fleet cruised in review off Valparaiso, Chile before making a port call at Cal lao, Peru. Departing on February 29, Minnesota and the other battleships spent three weeks conducting gunnery practice off Mexico the following month. Making port at San Francisco on May 6, the fleet paused in California for a short time before turning west for Hawaii. Steering southwest, Minnesota and the fleet arrived at New Zealand and Australia in August. After enjoying festive and elaborate port calls, which included parties, sporting events, and parades, the fleet moved north to the Philippines, Japan, and China. Concluding goodwill visits in these countries, Minnesota and the fleet transited the Indian Ocean and passed through the Suez Canal. Arriving in the Mediterranean, the fleet divided to show the flag in numerous ports before rendezvousing at Gibraltar. Reunited, it crossed the Atlantic and reached Hampton Roads on February 22 where it was greeted by Roosevelt. With the cruise over, Minnesota entered the yard for an overhaul that saw a cage foremast installed. USS Minnesota (BB-22) - Later Service: Resuming duty with the Atlantic Fleet, Minnesota spent much of the next three years employed off the East Coast though it did make one visit to the English Channel. During this period, it received a cage mainmast. In early 1912, the battleship shifted south to Cuban waters and in June aided in protecting American interests on the island during an insurrection known as the Negro Rebellion. The following year, Minnesota moved to the Gulf of Mexico as tensions between the United States and Mexico increased. Though the battleship returned home that fall, it spent much of 1914 off Mexico. Making two deployments to the area, it helped support the US occupation of Veracruz. With the conclusion of operations in Mexico, Minnesota resumed routine activities off the East Coast. It continued in this duty until being moved to the Reserve Fleet in November 1916. USS Minnesota (BB-22) - World War I: With the US entry into World War I in April 1917, Minnesota returned to active duty. Assigned to Battleship Division 4 in the Chesapeake Bay, it commenced operations as an engineering and gunnery training ship. On September 29, 1918, while conducting training off Fenwick Island Light, Minnesota struck a mine which had been laid by a German submarine. Though no one on board was killed, the explosion caused substantial damage to the battleships starboard side. Turning north, Minnesota limped to Philadelphia where it underwent five months of repairs. Emerging from the yard on March 11, 1919, it joined the Cruiser and Transport Force. In this role, it completed three trips to Brest, France to help return American servicemen from Europe. Completing this duty, Minnesota spent the summers of 1920 and 1921 as a training ship for midshipmen from the US Naval Academy. With the end of the latter years training cruise, it moved into reserve before being decommissioned on December 1. Idle for the next three years, it was sold for scrap on January 23, 1924 in accordance with the Washington Naval Treaty. Selected Sources DANFS: USS Minnesota (BB-22)NHHC: USS Minnesota (BB-22)NavSource: USS Minnesota (BB-22)
Saturday, November 23, 2019
4 Common Questions About How to Vote in College
4 Common Questions About How to Vote in College With so much else to juggle while in college, you may not have thought much about how to vote. Even if its your first election or going to school means you live in a different state, figuring out how to vote in college can be relatively simple. ​​ I Live in One State but Go to School in Another. Where Do I Vote? You can be a resident of two states, but you can only vote in one. So if youre a college student who has a permanent address is in one state and lives in another to attend school, you can choose where you want to cast your vote. Youll need to check with your home state or the state your school is in for more details on registration requirements, how to register and, of course, how to vote. You can generally find this information through a states Secretary of State website or the board of elections. Additionally, if you decide to vote in your home state but are living in another state, youll probably need to vote absentee. Make sure you allow yourself enough time to receive - and return - your ballot through the mail. The same goes for changing registration: While a few states offer same-day voter registration, many have firm deadlines for registering new voters before an election. How Do I Vote in My Hometown Election If Im Away at School? If, say, you live in Hawaii but are in college in New York, chances are you arent going to be able to head home to vote. Assuming you want to remain a registered voter in Hawaii, youll need to register as an absentee voter and have your ballot sent to you at school. How Do I Vote in the State Where My School Is? As long as youve registered to vote in your new state, you should get voter materials in the mail that will explain the issues, have candidate statements and say where your local polling place is. You may very well vote right on your campus. If not, theres a pretty good chance that a lot of students at your school will need to get to the neighborhood polling place on Election Day. Check with your student activities or student life office to see if they are running shuttles or if there are any carpooling initiatives involved for reaching the polling place. Lastly, if you dont have transportation to your local polling place or wont be able to vote on Election Day for some other reason, see if you can vote by mail. Even if your permanent address and your school are in the same state, youll want to double-check your registration. If you cant get home on Election Day, you either need to vote absentee or consider changing your registration to your school address so you can vote locally. Where Can I Get More Information on the Issues That Affect College Students? College students are a critical - and very large - voting constituency who are often at the forefront of political activism. (Its not an accident presidential debates are historically held on college campuses.) Most campuses have programs and events, put on by campus or local political parties and campaigns, that explain different candidates views on certain issues. The internet is full of information on elections but put in the effort to seek out credible sources. Look to non-profit, non-partisan organizations for details on election issues, as well as quality news sources and political parties websites, which have information on initiatives, candidates, and their policies.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Managing Information in Toyota Motor Corporation Research Paper
Managing Information in Toyota Motor Corporation - Research Paper Example The objective here is to achieve optimum cost control so that it will reflect positively on the bottom - the line of the company’s profits and give maximum returns to the stakeholders of the company. Efforts at cost control, without compromising on quality, are an everyday effort within the company Cost control can be defined as â€Å"Application of (1) investigative procedures to detect variance of actual costs from budgeted costs, (2) diagnostic procedures to ascertain the cause(s) of variance, and (3) corrective procedures to effect realignment between actual and budgeted costs.†The type of information that is required to achieve cost control is wide-ranging and has to be acquired from a variety of sources. The types of cost that are incurred in a typical manufacturing concern include direct costs, indirect costs, hidden costs, future liability costs, intangible costs, external costs etc.a. Direct costs: Direct cost is costs that can be readily identified as those d irectly incurred in them the manufacturing process. It includes raw materials, wages depreciation etc. b. Indirect costs: Costs, which cannot be attributed directly to production, are termed as indirect costs. These include salaries, rent, marketing expenses etc. c. An example would be where customers are not satisfied with the product which results in a fall in sales. â€Å"Some examples of hidden quality costs are customer dissatisfaction with a product or defects in a product that causes a loss of sales.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Airplane accident Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Airplane accident - Research Paper Example So far, NTSB has established that aviation can profit from more training of pilots and the re-evaluation of the existing safety procedures in cases of engine malfunctions. Thesis: Despite pilot errors being the primary cause of the airplane accidents, there are other issues such as mechanical dysfunction, poor weather, and landing accidents that can result in aviation accidents. Literature Review Statistics show that the number of airplane accidents experienced in developed nations has dropped since 2010 even though aircraft accidents in developing nations have increased. According to Learmount, in 2010 in the United States alone there were 26 fatal airplane accidents, compared with 28 accidents in 2009 (Learmount). According to Flightglobal, which researches aircraft malfunctions and evaluates them for the benefit of aviation and aerospace experts in the air transport industry, the number of commercial aircraft accidents from 2010 to 2011 rose to 32 from 28 (Rapoport 46). Airline safety professionals have attributed this fact to the emergence of in-flight malfunctions when the planes encounter severe weather or when birds interfere with the engines while the planes are in flight. According to NTSB statistics, between 2004 and 2008, there were approximately 245 commercial aviation accidents that occurred as a result of different reasons such as adverse weather or fuel exhaustion (2010 NTSB aviation statistics released). The numbers of plane crashes would increase over the years at a steady rate so that in 2010, general aviation aircraft, which include commercial aircraft, had 267 aircraft accidents (2010 NTSB aviation statistics released). Even though adverse weather is a common cause of plane crashes, many pilots still choose to navigate through it rather than delay flights. This may in part be due to the pressure of maintaining the passengers’ preferred schedules. According to Jarboe, there were 111 weather-related commercial aircraft crashes in Pue rto Rico and the United States in 2004 alone. Between 2010 and 2011, 15% of all aviation accidents were the result of the malfunctioning of in-flight systems due to adverse weather (Jarboe 2). Harsh weather systems are also thought to have caused the malfunctioning of in-flight systems in the ill-fated Air France’s flight AF447. Air crash investigators who examined the different parts of the ill-fated flight AF447 also confirmed that the malfunctioning of the pitot tube may have pushed the pilots to erroneous decisions. All avionics mechanical systems are dependent on pitot tubes. This device is responsible for measuring the impact of oncoming air. However, the simple design of pitot tubes makes them susceptible to blockages which can be caused by mud wasp nests, dead insects, and ice. According to Jackson, the failure of the pitot system is viewed as being the worst possible malfunction that can occur when a plane is in flight (Jackson). Numerous airplane accidents that took place in the past can be have been traced to the existence of a faulty pitot tube. According to Jackson, in 1995, an X-31A research aircraft crashed in California after its pitot tube was covered by ice (Jackson). Another plane, the Austral Lineas Aereas Flight 2553, similarly crashed, causing the deaths of its 74 passengers, when its pitot tube was completely frozen. Its pilots had actually presumed that the plane was stalling- which is something that is
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Information Assurance Essay Example for Free
Information Assurance Essay Information Assurance (IA) can be referred to as the process that involves in the management of perils that are closely related to the usage, processing, storage and electronic transfers of information. This field has been birthed by information security, a field in computer security. Information Assurance is aimed at availability, authentication, non-repudiation, integrity and confidentiality of information and information systems thus serving as a defense and protection turf for electronic information. The process of Information Assurance commences with the act of specifying and classifying the assets of the information to be protected. This process of information specification and classification is done objectively taking into contemplation the nature, source and the purpose of the information in focus. This is followed by risk assessment that is done by Information Assurance practitioner who has to put into consideration the likelihood and the impact of the undesired actions that may negatively affect the disclosure of the information in storage to unauthorized individuals. It is at this stage that the both qualitative and the quantitative value of the risk in relation to the current situation and predictable hazard is determined. Moreover, the IA practitioner develops a risk management plan that puts forward the countermeasures that can probably mitigate, accept, eliminate or transfer the risks. The plans also puts into consideration the detection, prevention and response towards the emergent or prospective perils (Qian, Tipper, Krishnamurthy, 2008). During the plan development, various frame works can be employed such as ISO 17799, PCIDSS, ISO/IEC 27002 or CobiT. Procedures and policies such as frequent data and information backups and configuration hardening, installation of anti-virus programs and firewalls are among the countermeasures that can be used. Other activities included as countermeasures are trainings and the restructuring of the computer network systems which put in place computer emergence response team (CERT) or computer security incident response team (CSIRT). These countermeasures aim at managing, extenuating or totally eliminating the forthcoming risks in the most cost-effective manner. Later, implementation, testing and evaluation of the plan are undertaken through various designed methodologies such as formal audits. An overhaul, known as the service integrity service is put in place to protect the resources of the system from accidental unwarranted change, destruction or loss (Rogers, 2004). The system’s authenticator, also referred to as the system administrator, bears the entire authorization mandate and it is only through his certification and accreditation that a third party or any other person can access the information in store. In addition, liaison of the authenticator with the user representative and the program manager grants equal access rights to the protected information. The above three officials also have to decide agreeably on the most appropriate approaches to be instituted in an attempt to meet all the information security prerequisites. Once they have identified these methodologies, they also highlight on the security remedies that are satisfying. The authenticator’s leadership, these information system officials are bestowed with the obligation to oversee the activities of the information system security. So as to be able to access the information in the system, the authenticator has to issue a declaration indicating that approval has been granted to the any alleged declaration holder to operate the automated information system (AIS). Included in this declaration are the sets of standardized rules and regulations that must be adhered to the latter by all users having the right of access to the stored information. These prescriptions are aimed at safeguarding the information in store and the Automated Information System at large. Besides this declaration, data security can be ensured by the use of logins, passwords and digital certificates which are specifically issued to those users who are sanctioned (May, et al, 2004). The former is not so much campaigned for but instead, the latter and the use of biometric techniques such as voice and fingerprints as regarded as more secluded methods. Computer information attackers have devised ways to overwrite and also override these login passwords and as a result, this safety methodology is rarely relied upon. Once authentication has been granted, encryption of the sensitive data is done to avert it from eavesdropping and other related computer information crimes. During the process of authentication personal information is gathered and entered into the automated system which aids in the person’s identification. As a result, the party is issued with a credential. This credential validates the user identity claim when he/she is accessing the controlled and protected assets or information. In pursuit to ensure more safety over the stored information, multi-factor authentication has been employed. The multi-factor authentication process is subject to various environments and other technological rudiments and varies depending on these two aspects (Department of the Army, 2007). These techniques may include network architecture controls, remote network access, network sniffers and securing network ports. Failure to conform to or adopt any of the above mentioned authentication methodologies will expose the stored data to computer information systems defaulters who can craftily bypass weak technical controls. Consequently, they distort the information. This distortion may vary from mere acts such as modifying the main memory’s information after having read it to causing notable and probably irreversible behavior of the schedulers which are finally associated with the crashing of the entire information systems with large volumes data loss. In addition the can disable the firewall module packet filtering by transforming the image such that the agent’s in-memory store code starts working inappropriately (Larry, 2009). This may render the agent disabled from accessing the system. Once automated information attacker gains this unauthorized opportunity to access to the clients’ information he has the freedom to perform dynamic data modifications. Besides, he can access the system management memory (SMM) handler. The end result of this will be a system management random access memory (SMRAM) cache-based attack. Computer information criminals also alter the information system’s operating codes. Moreover, they can access client’s personal and confidential details such personal identification numbers and probably financial institution’s information thus ending up in a big loss in their finances. National and scientific databases have been prepared and managed by the governments of various states. Moreover, academic organizations and research institutions are also reliable. However, these stakeholders have to take keen attention during the auditing of the information, especially those received from partnerships with other organizations to avoid errors that may be disastrous in the future. In information assurance, the information flowing in the associated institutions should be confidential as earlier said and also the information’s integrity should be well safeguarded. In ensuring that the information meets these prerequisites, the British standards well implemented. Information assurance standards are also published a template in the IA website. Moreover, the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) site contains these standards which are also coordinated with the MCNOSC. Therefore in conclusion, information assurance can be basically taken to mean the information operations (IO) aimed at information and information systems (IS) protection. This is achieved through the information assurance standards that see the achievement of information availability, its integrity, confidentiality, authentication and non-repudiation. The realization of these standards ensure the refurbishment of IS through the amalgamation of restoration, detection, fortification and reaction competences
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Class Reflection on Study of Indigenous People :: Indigenous Studies
WOW When I first came into this class, introduction to indigenous studies, I was uncertain of what to expect but really interested. Part taking in my major towards history and noticed this class I immediately pounced on it as I was quite interested and very pleased. I have been paying attention to many circumstances going on with the indigenous people, their land and culture over the past few years. As even into the first day of class it opened my eyes to a whole new way of life, situations and much much more that indigenous people have went through and are still going through taking my perception much more in-depth, and I cant belief how astonished I am already only six weeks into the course. A very interesting piece I took very seriously was the one by Ermine, Willie. Aboriginal Esptimology, First Nations Education in Canada. As it began to introduce me into a whole new world of the insight and knowledge of aboriginals, it just amazed me. It helped me understand the thoughts and how in depth and real the believes and rituals are. â€Å"Philosophers among Aboriginal people have explored and analyzed the process of self-actualization. The being in relation to the cosmos possessed intriguing and mysterious qualities that provided insights into existence. In their quest to find meaning in the outer space. Aboriginal people turned into the inner space. This inner space is that universe of being within each person that is synonymous with the soul, the spirit, the self.†Wow. To me that quotation was intense I had to read it over a few times to understand the in depth meaning and message it was giving me. I found it so meaningful and in lighting how the thoughts would come to a person like that. When I read that I was greatly interested in the inner self and honestly looked many examples up on Google for a longer period of time than I thought. But as I read on in Willie’s writings I noticed this quote. â€Å"No one could dictate the path that must be followed. There was reconition that every individual had the capacity to make headway into knowledge that comes from the inner space in the individual gives rise to a subjective world-view out onto the external world. The in-depth and analysis of this reading I cant even explain how this took me, I am sorry if I’m carrying this one reading on to far but I have one more quote I took that I would like to share. Class Reflection on Study of Indigenous People :: Indigenous Studies WOW When I first came into this class, introduction to indigenous studies, I was uncertain of what to expect but really interested. Part taking in my major towards history and noticed this class I immediately pounced on it as I was quite interested and very pleased. I have been paying attention to many circumstances going on with the indigenous people, their land and culture over the past few years. As even into the first day of class it opened my eyes to a whole new way of life, situations and much much more that indigenous people have went through and are still going through taking my perception much more in-depth, and I cant belief how astonished I am already only six weeks into the course. A very interesting piece I took very seriously was the one by Ermine, Willie. Aboriginal Esptimology, First Nations Education in Canada. As it began to introduce me into a whole new world of the insight and knowledge of aboriginals, it just amazed me. It helped me understand the thoughts and how in depth and real the believes and rituals are. â€Å"Philosophers among Aboriginal people have explored and analyzed the process of self-actualization. The being in relation to the cosmos possessed intriguing and mysterious qualities that provided insights into existence. In their quest to find meaning in the outer space. Aboriginal people turned into the inner space. This inner space is that universe of being within each person that is synonymous with the soul, the spirit, the self.†Wow. To me that quotation was intense I had to read it over a few times to understand the in depth meaning and message it was giving me. I found it so meaningful and in lighting how the thoughts would come to a person like that. When I read that I was greatly interested in the inner self and honestly looked many examples up on Google for a longer period of time than I thought. But as I read on in Willie’s writings I noticed this quote. â€Å"No one could dictate the path that must be followed. There was reconition that every individual had the capacity to make headway into knowledge that comes from the inner space in the individual gives rise to a subjective world-view out onto the external world. The in-depth and analysis of this reading I cant even explain how this took me, I am sorry if I’m carrying this one reading on to far but I have one more quote I took that I would like to share.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Metonymy and Euphemisms
In the previous chapter I presented the default cases of metonymy and how cognitive and communicative principles govern the selection of a preferred metonymic vehicle. These principles enable us to understand why we choose certain entities to access a target and why some vehicle-to-target routes have been conventionalized in the language. However, it sometimes occurs that cognitive and communicative principles are overridden because of the speaker’s expressive needs or a particular social situation. The violation of the principles in question may result in the use of metonymy – based euphemisms which I will try to explore in the following discussion. As it was mentioned before, there are certain cognitive and communicative principles which account for the choice of preferred metonymic vehicles. Among cognitive principles we distinguish for example, the HUMAN OVER NON-HUMAN, the CONCRETE OVER ABSTRACT, the GOOD GESTALT OVER POOR GESTALT or the SPECIFIC OVER GENERIC principle. Kovecses and Radden (1998: 45-50) notice that cognitive principles mainly contribute to human experience, perceptual selectivity and cultural preference. Most of the people’s conceptualizations is affected by our human experiences and perceptions. Thus, we attach greater importance to things that we can easily perceive and interact with. Cultural preferences are also significant factors in determining our choice of certain vehicles in metonymy. Therefore, we often select the stereotypical, ideal or typical members of a category to stand for that category. In the example He has a great heart the cognitive principle CONCRETE OVER ABSTRACT is applied. The hearer encounters no difficulty in understanding the metonymy since we tend to refer to concrete physical object which are more salient than abstract entities. Thus the hearer knows that the speaker is talking about a person who is very kind and not about one whose heart has a large size. The default selection of a metonymic vehicle is also determined by two communicative principles, namely the principle of clarity and the principle of relevance. Entities that are clear and relevant are more preferred to those that are less clear and relevant. Therefore, in a sentence  people achieve the intended target effortlessly since the principle CLEAR OVER OBSCURE governs the understanding of the metonymy. Yet, as Radden and Kovecses (1998: 53) state, cognitive and communicative principles account for the choice of default routes, they are unable to explain the selection of non-default cases of metonymy. One of the examples of non-default routes are metonymic euphemisms. Radden and Kovecses (1998: 53) suggest that what may account for the non-default selection is social considerations. It means that the speaker refrains from uttering a clear, literal expression because he does not want to sound vulgar or indiscrete. The authors (1998: 52) also propose that rhetorical effects may be another reason for choosing a non-default route. The examples of these strategies will be presented later in the discussion. First, however, the term euphemism has to be explained and reasons for its occurrence in language explored. The word ‘euphemism’ is of a Greek origin and it means ‘good sounding’, ‘good auguring’, ‘mild’. In dictionaries it is defined as a rhetorical device. Since Polish and English examples of metonymy-based euphemisms will be presented in the paper, I will give some explanations of the term in question coming from Polish and English linguistic sources. Dictionary of Contemporary English (1990: 346) gives the following definition: ‘the use of a pleasanter, less direct name for something thought to be unpleasant’. Allan and Burridge (1991: 14) propose that euphemisms are ‘alternatives to dispreferred expressions’ and are used to ‘avoid possible loss of face: either one’s own or, by giving offense, that of the audience, or of some third party’. Another explanation comes from Polish. All in all, as Dabrowska (1993: 51) summarizes euphemisms are all those words or phrases that bring positive or neutral connotations. They are used to avoid or soothe a name of dispreferred expression and the reasons for the occurrence of euphemisms are paralinguistic (psychological, social, ideological or political). That is to say, euphemisms are widely employed in language in response to taboos. Generally speaking, a taboo is prohibition of certain behaviours (including language ones) that can bring harm or embarrassment to the hearer. As there is a wide spectrum of areas where the term ’taboo’ operates, different definitions of this phenomenon exist. Nevertheless, as Dabrowska (1993: 17) points out, almost all the explanations which appear in dictionaries, encyclopaedias and linguistic papers define ‘taboo’ as a prohibition of a certain type, a phenomenon which should be avoided or treated carefully because of the possession of harmful, dangerous powers. A taboo guards certain human values and social norms. Since a taboo is a ban of certain behaviours it also refers to the linguistic behaviour. It means that some words are forbidden to be communicated or preferred to be avoided. The reasons for the avoidance are mainly connected with religious beliefs, superstitions, death, sex or politics. Thus, what the speaker can do is either not to use a prohibited expression or to substitute it for another one – euphemism. In other words, a euphemism is a linguistic response to a ban of uttering certain words. Let us now discuss the reasons that stand behind the appearance of a linguistic taboo and therefore, the occurrence of euphemisms. In the past, people were afraid of referring directly to the names of certain supernatural beings and to the names of certain animals. They believed that those creatures possessed some magical and supernatural powers. Thus, people felt fear and anxiety for them and did not mention directly the names of God or such animals as a bear or a lion. It resulted in expressions the Lord or the All-Mighty. Ullmann (1967: 205-6) calls this phenomenon ‘taboo of fear’. Dabrowska (1993: 27-8) observes that this kind of motivation was stronger in the past but it cannot be stated that it is not present currently. Nowadays, euphemistic expressions motivated by fear are those associated with the devil. Holders (1987: ) gives such instances as Lord of the flies, black gentleman, Old Scratch and Ullmann (1967: 205) lists Nick and Hangie. Many scholars notice that the use of euphemisms is determined by courtesy, kindness and delicacy. The speaker avoids expressions that can offend or distress the hearer. Ullmann and Kany (1967: 206-7) call this phenomenon ‘taboo of delicacy’. Due to the existence of ‘taboo of delicacy’ we do not talk explicitly about death, diseases, physical and mental defects or criminal actions, especially when they directly involve our interlocutors. For example, instead of adopting very explicit verb ‘to die’ we may substitute it for a euphemistic phrase ‘to pass away’ which seems to be a milder and more appropriate form in many cases. In other situations the use of euphemisms is motivated by ‘taboo of propriety’ (Ullmann, 1967: 207-8). Norms of decency make people avoid a direct reference to such topics as sex, swearing or certain body parts and their functions. The speaker’s decency, modesty and sometimes his embarrassment refrain him from mentioning troublesome subjects directly. Therefore, one can talk about having sex using a euphemistic expression to sleep with. It is also very common that people ask about the location of a place where they can wash their hands or powder their nose, meaning a toilet. Leszczynski (1988: 22) observes that avoiding certain expressions is caused also by the speaker’s disapproval of some words or phrases. Thus, the speaker does not use these words or tries to communicate them in a milder and more pleasant way. Leszczynski (1988: 22) emphasizes that a very significant factor which motivates the use of euphemisms is on the one hand, the protection of hearer’s feelings and sensitivity and on the other, the protection of the speaker himself. The former situation results from the speaker’s real care about his interlocutor or his false concern which only aims at avoiding people’s disapproval. With respect to the protection of the speaker, he either believes in what he is saying or wants to meet with the acceptance of society. As Dabrowska (1993: 26-7) points out, the speaker’s use of euphemisms in response to the ‘taboo of propriety’ may be an effect of hypocrisy. The author (1993: 26-7) claims that people sometimes do not make a direct reference to certain body parts and bodily functions not because of their real need but because of being prudish. Dabrowska (1993: 27) also observes that the speaker’s cunning and his self-interest is a highly common factor for euphemizing. In order to induce the hearer’s positive attitude, that is necessary to attain certain goal, the speaker emphasizes the value of certain things. He presents himself and his actions in the most favourable light and raises their prestige. This kind of behaviour aims at bewitching hearers and making them, for instance, to buy certain advertised products or, in politics, to believe in politician’s good intentions. Motivation based on cunning and the speaker’s self-interest is characteristic for euphemisms present in the language of advertising, politics, propaganda and diplomacy. For example, it is politically correct to use an expression excess of labour force instead of unemployment. In the language of politics we frequently hear about price regulation which is a gentler phrase for rise in prices. As it was presented, there are numerous factors that condition the use of euphemistic expressions. Similarly, a wide spectrum of linguistic ways for euphemizing exist. One of them is metonymy which is commonly used to employ euphemisms in language. Just to remind, Webster’s Third New International Dictionary ( ) defines metonymy as a substitution of the name of one entity for the name of another entity on the condition that these entities are related to each other. Radden and Kovecses (1999: 18) add that the substitution of entities is not enough. What is essential is that metonymy interrelates these entities to â€Å"form a new, complex meaning†. Langacker (1993: 30) perceives metonymy as a reference-point phenomenon in which a reference point – an entity evoked by a metonymic expression – makes possible accessing the desired target.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
How Does the Film “the Breakfast Club†(1985) Perpetuate Teen Stereotypes Essay
â€Å"The Breakfast Club†shows the typical stereotypes of before, specially the 80s. The snob girl that thinks she shouldn’t be there, the popular sports boy, the rebel that is not understood, the nerd that doesn’t want to be in trouble, the outcast that is ignored, and the teacher that thinks to highly of themselves and thinks that teenager equals problem. In the 80s â€Å"The Breakfast Club†became really popular. This could be because the teenagers that saw it found themselves identified with the characters. It also made adults and teenagers see from the outside what was happening, and that stereotypes did exist. Nowadays these stereotypes still exist in a way, but not as marked as before. Now teenagers could communicate with other people from different groups, not like in the film, were the â€Å"popular†girl doesn’t think the rebel, nerd or outcast should be with her there. She thinks to highly of herself. Internet has also helped people not label others as much. Now people sometimes meet though internet, and this makes the first impression useless in what it refers to appearance. Teenagers get to know each other more, so they don’t fall for the stereotypical appearance of others. I find that what has also changed between the 80s and now, is that studies have become more important. It is true that we still think a lot about our appearance, clothes, etc. but the society has made us more aware of the fact that without studies we maybe wouldn’t be able to go far. More information on TV has also influenced, now people are informed better on what’s happening around the world. Teenagers now know there is more apart from school and friends, and are more worried about their future and world-wide problems, than to belong to a group. We are more understanding on what is around us, we are less narrow minded. Know we know there are people the same as us, so we give more opportunities. However, are stereotypes still giving problems? Many adults stereotype teenagers as being lazy, unmotivated, and undetermined individuals. Loud, obnoxious, rebellious, out of control, and up to no good†¦ Many people in different generations sincerely believe that all teenagers are guaranteed trouble no matter where they are. I am not arguing that teenagers like that don’t exist, because there are plenty of them out there, but it is bothering that one type of teenager has been able to spoil the image of all the others. Things like long or coloured hair, black clothes, heavy make-up, ect. Create a wrong idea of the person. Things like saying that a teenager is bad just because they are trouble makers is wrong, someone could be just having fun and act serious somewhere else. People, specially teachers and parents, think that all teenagers are always ready for the battle, that they are not capable of reasoning, listening, or saying something interesting. In an external point of view, I personally find teenagers more interesting than any other group of ages. We are in the middle of children and adults, our view of the both is split into two and our exposure between them is different, this creates a wider point of view. Therefore, a different opinion. In conclusion, Stereotypes have changed throughout the years, people don’t label as much. However, it’s still there, and is still harmful.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on History Of Korean Economy
Few scholars of economics describe Korean economic success as â€Å"The miracle on the Han.†Korean economic success from the 1960s to 1980s is contributed by a number of international, social, political, and cultural factors. Korea’s economic transformation did not happen overnight or restricted to just few ingredients. In my opinion these factors were interrelated in many ways. Not one factor by itself could be responsible for such a complicated task. Influences of international powers have shaped Korean economy in many ways. Japan and United States’ influence has been extraordinary compared to others. Japanese colonialism unmistakably laid foundations for transformation to modern economy of Korea. Under Japanese rule, Korea changed from agricultural oriented society to a modern industrialized nation. The colonial government, although its intentions were geared for their gains, helped establish railroads, textile factories, power plants, and others. United Sta tes plays a crucial role for war-devastated Korea in the 1950s. U.S. aided more than any nation through military and economic assistance. Its assistance laid foundations for modern economy that present Korea built itself on. But international help alone cannot be held responsible for economic success of Korea. A dynamic class of entrepreneurs and a class of dependable and efficient industrial workers that were able to assimilate and change with global economic trends were also essential. Without them foreign capital and technology into the economy is likely to be a wasted effort (Eckert et al., 1990, p. 400). The country’s low standard of living and low pay invited and promoted foreign investments. Although Korea provided cheap labor and quality products it would not have been complete without government’s strong hold on policies. Authoritarian rule of General Part era might not be approved by most democratic nations at the time but for Korea, it seemed necessary. With... Free Essays on History Of Korean Economy Free Essays on History Of Korean Economy Few scholars of economics describe Korean economic success as â€Å"The miracle on the Han.†Korean economic success from the 1960s to 1980s is contributed by a number of international, social, political, and cultural factors. Korea’s economic transformation did not happen overnight or restricted to just few ingredients. In my opinion these factors were interrelated in many ways. Not one factor by itself could be responsible for such a complicated task. Influences of international powers have shaped Korean economy in many ways. Japan and United States’ influence has been extraordinary compared to others. Japanese colonialism unmistakably laid foundations for transformation to modern economy of Korea. Under Japanese rule, Korea changed from agricultural oriented society to a modern industrialized nation. The colonial government, although its intentions were geared for their gains, helped establish railroads, textile factories, power plants, and others. United Sta tes plays a crucial role for war-devastated Korea in the 1950s. U.S. aided more than any nation through military and economic assistance. Its assistance laid foundations for modern economy that present Korea built itself on. But international help alone cannot be held responsible for economic success of Korea. A dynamic class of entrepreneurs and a class of dependable and efficient industrial workers that were able to assimilate and change with global economic trends were also essential. Without them foreign capital and technology into the economy is likely to be a wasted effort (Eckert et al., 1990, p. 400). The country’s low standard of living and low pay invited and promoted foreign investments. Although Korea provided cheap labor and quality products it would not have been complete without government’s strong hold on policies. Authoritarian rule of General Part era might not be approved by most democratic nations at the time but for Korea, it seemed necessary. With...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty
Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty Aphrodite is the goddess of beauty, love, and sexuality. She is sometimes known as the Cyprian because there was a cult center of Aphrodite on Cyprus [See Map Jc-d]. Aphrodite is the mother of the god of love, Eros (more familiar as Cupid). She is the wife of the ugliest of the gods, Hephaestus. Unlike the powerful virginal goddesses, Athena and Artemis, or the faithful goddess of marriage, Hera, she has love affairs with gods and mortals. Aphrodites birth story makes her relation to the other gods and goddesses of Mt. Olympus ambiguous. Family of Origin Hesiod says Aphrodite arose from the foam that gathered around the genitals of Uranus. They just happened to be floating in the sea after his son Cronus castrated his father. The poet known as Homer calls Aphrodite the daughter of Zeus and Dione. She is also described as the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys (both Titans). If Aphrodite is the cast-offspring of Uranus, she is of the same generation as Zeus parents. If she is the daughter of the Titans, she is Zeus cousin. Roman Equivalent Aphrodite was called Venus by the Romans as in the famous Venus de Milo statue. Attributes And Associations Mirror, of course she is the goddess of beauty. Also, the apple, which has lots of associations with love or beauty (as in Sleeping Beauty) and especially the golden apple. Aphrodite is associated with a magic girdle (belt), the dove, myrrh and myrtle, the dolphin, and more. In the famous Botticelli painting, Aphrodite is seen rising from a clam shell. Sources Ancient sources for Aphrodite include Apollodorus, Apuleius, Aristophanes, Cicero, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Diodorus Siculus, Euripides, Hesiod, Homer, Hyginus, Nonnius, Ovid, Pausanias, Pindar, Plato, Quintus Smyrnaeus, Sophocles, Statius, Strabo and Vergil (Virgil). Trojan War and Aeneids Aphrodite / Venus The story of the Trojan War begins with the story of the apple of discord, which naturally was made of gold: Each of 3 goddesses: Hera - marriage goddess and wife of ZeusAthena - Zeus daughter, wisdom goddess, and one of the powerful virginal goddesses mentioned above, andAphrodite thought she deserved the golden apple, by virtue of being kallista the most beautiful. Since the goddesses couldnt decide among themselves and Zeus wasnt willing to suffer the wrath of the females in his family, the goddesses appealed to Paris, son of King Priam of Troy. They asked him to judge which of them was the most beautiful. Paris judged the goddess of beauty to be the loveliest. In return for his verdict, Aphrodite promised Paris the fairest woman. Unfortunately, this fairest mortal was Helen of Sparta, wife of Menelaus. Paris took the prize that had been awarded him by Aphrodite, despite her prior commitments, and so started the most famous war in history, that between the Greeks and Trojans. Vergil or Virgils Aeneid tells a Trojan War sequel story about a surviving Trojan prince, Aeneas, transporting his household gods from the burning city of Troy to Italy, where he founds the race of the Romans. In the Aeneid, the Roman version of Aphrodite, Venus, is Aeneas mother. In the Iliad, she protected her son, even at the cost of suffering a wound inflicted by Diomedes.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
MGMT315 U4 IP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
MGMT315 U4 IP - Research Paper Example s which every organisation must be aware of and adhere to before they can invest in a foreign country and before they can engage employees in that country. Any American company that intends to invest in a foreign country needs to keep abreast of the specific employment laws of that particular country so as to ensure that they do not get into problems with the regulatory authorities in the country. Before a company can invest in a foreign country, it is important to carry out an initial survey on the employment laws applicable in that country so as to determine how they differ from those applicable in the USA. This is important due to the fact that some employment laws may lead to a situation where the incremental operational costs exceed the benefits the company will get from operating in that country (Hennart and Larimo, 1998). Employment laws normally relate to rules and regulations governing minimum wages, maximum working hours and minimum annual leave days that an employee is entitled to. They also relate to the whether an employee is entitled to paid leave days or not. Employment laws are diverse in every country since in most cases the government of the country sets the minimum wages applicable to the employees in the country. The employment laws may also relate to the length of time that a company should keep employees on casual employment terms and the procedure to absorb them into permanent basis. American companies therefore need to familiarise themselves with laws in different countries so that they evaluate the economics of investing in a particular country (Hennart and Larimo, 1998). The management of the American company working in a global location need to analyse the political situation of the specific country so as to determine the political stability of the country. This is important in that the company will be able to evaluate the risks and return coefficients associated with investing in the country. A politically stable country provides a
Thursday, October 31, 2019
ECT170 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
ECT170 - Essay Example The internet is the central source of data among the external sources. The inputs of an MIS include scheduled reports produced periodically such as weekly or monthly, demand reports, produced, to provide certain information upon request. There are several characteristics of an MIS. One characteristic is that it provides reports with fixed and standard form as well as producing both soft and hard copies of the reports. It also uses internal data stored in a computer system allow users to develop customs report. The MIS requires user requests for reports developed by systems personnel (Stair and Reynolds 303). MIS can be divided along functional lines. Financial management information systems provide financial information to executives. Some financial MIS subsystems and outputs include profit/loss and costs systems, auditing and management of funds. Manufacturing MIS subsystems and outputs include monitoring and controlling the flow of materials, design and engineering, inventory control, process control and quality control. Marketing MIS supports product development, pricing and its distribution. Marketing functions are increasingly being performed on the internet. The subsystems involved include marketing research, product development, product pricing, sales analysis and advertising. The human resource MIS are concerned with issues related to previous, current and potential employees. Its subsystems include human resource planning, personnel selection, training and skills inventory, scheduling and job placement as well as salary administration (Stair and Reynolds 305). Decision support systems (DCCs) are used when the problem is unstructured. These systems’ performance is a function of decision quality and problem complexity. The problem complexity depends on how hard the problem is to solve. The DCC provides rapid access to information and can handle
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Ethical and Legal Issues Which Arise with Health Care Essay
The Ethical and Legal Issues Which Arise with Health Care - Essay Example The case of Martin is one which carries interest because of the known concerns that pertain to stroke as well as the capacity which the hospital had to respond, but didn’t. This first began when Martin was admitted to the hospital, which raises ethical concern with the responses that were required and not acted upon. It is known that when an individual suffers from stroke, certain reflexes began to be prompted, specifically to try to balance out the body in a different manner. With this, is a known change with the body that leads to pneumonia, often which leaves the body too weak for an operation. Feeding tubes and alternative feeding methods are common expectations with patients, especially if the stroke is too severe for post – stroke patients. It is noted that this is the only way to not have reflexes respond and to make the right movements for nutrition and alterations for feeding among patients. The known problem which arises is one which indicates that the hospita l should have immediately responded to the conditions in terms of feeding and nutrition, as opposed to hiring a speech therapist to try to change the condition of Martin first. Another problem which is associated with the case of Martin is based on the inability for him to talk and the dependency which was created with his condition in the hospital. This issue is furthered with the processes which were not carried through, not only in terms of the nutritious and physical state, but also in response to the other difficulties which are known to accompany those suffering from a stroke. This is inclusive of psychological responses, social difficulties, changes in cognitive ability and personality processes. Hospital personnel are required to understand the ethical concerns and the way in which this links to the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Benefits Of Youth Sports
The Benefits Of Youth Sports A sport is a competitive, organized, entertaining, and dexterous physical movement requiring dedication, fair play, and strategy, and in which a winner can be distinct by objective means. It is controlled by a set of customs or rules. In sports the main factors are the xl capabilities which are physical and skills of the contestant when determining the ending be it losing or winning. The physical activity involves people movement, animals and/or a number of objects like balls and equipment or machines. In contrast, games like board games and card games; even though these can be called mind sports and some are accepted as Olympic sports, entail primarily psychological skills and only mental physical connection. Non-competitive practices, for example playing catch or jogging are usually identified as forms of recreation. (Harper, 2008)Physical actions like scoring goals or first crossing a line often define the outcome of a sport. On the other hand, performance and the degree of skill in some sports such as dressage, diving, and figure skating is judged with reference to well-defined specifications. This is in distinction with other activities judged such as body building and beauty pageants, where skill do not have to be revealed and the criteria are as well not defined. Records are kept back and updated for many sports at the top levels, whereas accomplishments and failures are generally announced in sport news. Sports are at a large amount often played only for fun or for the single reality that people require exercise to stay in fine physical condition. Nevertheless, professional sports are a major resource for entertainment. This is so because they not only excite the players but they usually attract large crowds who turn up to watch other playing. (Mandel) A youth sport on the other hand is a sport for young people to carry out, up to about an age range of 10 à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 20 years are youths and they just do sports by coming together. ( A detailed review as to the benefits of sports to the youth has been carried here-in. Sports have several benefits to those participating in them which ensure that they impart a positive impact in their lives. Youth reap many benefits from performance in sports, these includes a healthier body, self-discipline, self-confidence, and stronger relations with peers and adults. The skill youth acquire while participating in sports interpret to their additional activities and commitments, including school performance and family relationships. While young athletes expand their bodies, their minds also develop concurrently. Youth sports builds self-discipline amongst the young people. Through the commitment to a team and basically making it to each practice session is an initial step, for lots of young athletes. Involvement in youth sports also provides a ground for confidence growth. Self-confidence does not appear naturally to every person. Amusingly, one of the finest ways to increasing self-confidence is to be found in demanding situations. Challenges give an opportunity for youth to find out solutions on their own, and garner the consequences of whichever resolution they make. youths Participation in sports therefore presents such opportunities each and every time and againhow to attain on a breakaway in football, how to beat a defender while in a quick counter in basketball, or even how to talk to a colleague about his practice of failing to pass the ball often enough. Challenges, whether physical, or emotional can expand confidence in youth. Youth Participation in sports provides sufficient opportunities for them to build sturdy friendships with their peers and mentoring associations with their coaches. Young athletes profit from working together to arrive at various goals. Players become skilled at how to set the team ahead of their personal interests, this helps them develops the quality of unselfishness. Teams of athletes do not at all times get along perfectly, and putting out-of-the-way differences to play effectively together is another significant lesson to be used throughout life. When kids play sports they expand an understanding as to what their bodies is able do. Youthful athletes are often courageous, sacrificing their bodies to obstruct a kick or dive for a free ball. Playing amid this type of abandon can be very fit, and it promotes a belief in their bodies abilities. Ordinary practices and games build sturdy bones and muscles. While athletes are still young, the spotlight should be on education, having fun and being fit. ( Participation in sports improves youths health in the following areas; causes a major improvements in cardiovascular strength, as long as they are performed frequently, improves muscular power (as calculated by handgrip power)which leads to an increased coping rate ability and decreases the risks of functional restrictions in later life ,provides a major improvement in the Mental Health section Score in the first 3 months of partaking, waist-to-hip ratio also reduce in the first three months, also about a third more calories can be burnt in only an hour of some Green Gym activities instead of doing a step aerobics class (Bigelow). While athlete takes part in a sport, they will experience a lot of benefits. A number of of these will be easily recognized and short-term. While others will not be recognized easily, except will end with the athlete a lot longer and will assist form their general growth. They increase and become experts at the various sports skills they participate in. this is because they practice for quite a long time to become a force to reckon with and as we know à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“practice practice makes perfectà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ there is no doubt they eventually become experts in their fields. Sport offer youth a chance to improve their capacity to make decisions and acknowledge responsibilities. This is so because many sports entail making a lot of decisions. For example in football one has to make the right decision when to pass the ball or when to score. It is the same in most mind sport where it is usually a single mistake and you are done, therefore a lot of decision has to be made on the moves to take. Since sports give youth a chance to make various decisions they are able to differentiate good from bad decisions. ( Youth can develop an interest in ongoing sports involvement even as adults this will mean taking that sport as your carrier. It is worth noting that a large number of families are fed by various sportsmen who engage in only sporting activities. sports has therefore proved to be a source of income to the youth who are participating in them and so many youth should be encouraged to participate in the same. This incomes earned from youth sports are taxed by the government where earned this means that through youth sports a country is able to earn income which it can use in carrying out any of its development agendas. Further, through sports that youth expand a sense of achievement, that helps develop a constructive self-image. Sports also facilitate youth learning to articulate and appreciate their thought, emotions, and admiration for what their bodies can do. They also develop skills on agility, endurance, flexibility, coordination, speed and strength. ( Involvement in sports also avails the opportunities for socialization and leadership, as well as the expansion of skills used for managing failure and success. If you are one of the really talented and qualified players on your team, you are probable in a spot to put into effect team leadership. As one way to guide is to do the same by example. When a talented player demonstrates an optimistic attitude and occupation ethic, all the other players will be likely to follow this example. A number of players will also watch how others play and obviously pick up on some of their techniques and skills. ( Moreover, when playing games, players find out how rules operate. They see how groups require policy to maintain order, that the person must agree to the regulations for the benefit of the group that rules involve a deliberation of the civil rights of others. They as well gain knowledge of the competition, however within a limited and secure system where the penalty of losing is reduced. In addition, sports offer an exclusive arena in which youth can successfully put forth their talents. The arena is exclusive for two reasons. Foremost, sports engage the person as an entire person: all facets-not only cognitive, but also physical, social, and psychological-are engaged pleasantly in striving toward peak accomplishment. Secondly, sports engage youths working in a continuing community consisting of their friends as well as their friends families. Sports, that is, present children an exciting, rewarding, and satisfying way to participate in a bigger world not usually accessible to non athletes. ( The participation of youth in sports ensures they learn time management skills and the value of planning in advance. This is true because through the kind of training they undergo while in sports entails following schedules given to them by their coaches, this help them learn a lot of time management skills as they also have to be able to balance between their sports and other activities like studies and family relationships. Sports teaches youth how to deal with hardship by showing them it is fine to make a mistake. Sports give them the opportunity to learn from their mistakes as well as the significance of moving on once a mistake has been done. It is in the same sports where the youth learn that life is not a sooth path as it entails both ups and downs .i.e. there times in life when one can succeed but there are still others when one can fail. Sports offer youth an opportunity of learning a lot of teamwork skills. This is so since many sports involve working together. Most sports are those that require cooperation of several persons for achievement to be evident. Youths can apply the skill they acquire through the experience of playing together in real life situation. This in the long run proves to be beneficial to the youth. Sports Provides the youth with an outlet for channeling their energy. This is a benefit that should not be down played because it is evident youths have a lot of energy to use and sports provide them an avenue to spend their energy and not wasting it in activities that can be harmful to them. For example the time and energy they spend in sports could be spending idling, taking drugs and having sex which could risk their lives. Sports act a stress relief for the youths which can be as a result of academic and social pressures. This is because it has already been proved that nervousness and pressure can be condensed with participation sports. After long hours in classes student can have a nice time in the fields or various sports places where they relive all academic related pressure. ( It is in youth sports where those youths tend to learn one another. Since they work and train together they tend to understand each other weaknesses and strong areas thus promoting good relationship among people. youth sport also promote peace all over the world as different youth from different nation may be converged by a single sport and for the benefit of their team they will have to establish a good rapport. Some youth sports are used as a tool for tourist attraction for several countries thus earning these countries foreign exchange, for example through youth sports many foreigners visit different countries and spend in those countries increasing the national income of such countries. Youth sports have created a lot of employment opportunities. There are so many advertisements relating to youth sports, many players also require other goods and services like they eat and dress thus providing market to other goods. Many people also work in sports arenas like pitches, stadium and many more. This means were it not for the sports such facilities could not exist and thus all those people working in those facilities could be unemployed. This are only but few example of the employment opportunities brought about by youth sports. (Committee, 2005) Promotion of youth sports has greatly reduced the spread of HIV/AIDS. This is so because the youths instead of engaging in activities that promote the deadly virus instead spend their precious time in taking part in various sports. This sport has also facilitated their training on the effect and impacts of the disease as while they are in those various sporting teams they still learn more about the disease. (hyman, 2010) Youth sport has also lead to improved infrastructure in many regions. This is so because sports facilities have to be accompanied by good means of accessing these facilities thus infrastructure like good roads has to be established which are of benefit to all. In conclusion it would be very correct to say that youth sports have a lot of benefits to the youths, parents, the society and the government at large.
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