Good college application essays
Research Paper Topic About Vietnam War
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Free Essays on Depression In Children
Discouragement in Children of Divorced Parents The measurements for separate in the Y2K period propose that almost 60% of relationships end in separate. Given this alarming figure, the suspicion can be made that numerous youngsters will encounter a few impacts brought about by the extraordinary occasion called separate. What is it precisely about separation that causes negative ramifications for the kids? In what ways will these kids be affected? Will these impacts show remotely? The agitating truth is: little youngsters of separated from guardians face incredible mental difficulties because of the ecological conditions and changes related with separate, all the more normally, sorrow. Parent struggle seems to pronouncedly affect the adapting endeavors of youngsters. The extreme tension and outrage between certain guardians in the beginning times of separation is genuine. Frequently guardians permit their kids to get in furious verbal showdown between them. Chiding the other parent before the youngster is another method of setting the kid in an unreasonable position, which generally is anticipating that the kid should pick between the guardians. A less unmistakable case of parental clash is the path two inverse sexual orientations identify with each other within the sight of the youngsters. Moms may regard fathers as though they are less significant and undeserving of regard, the exact inverse can apply as well. Any type of parental clash, regardless of what degree, loans to a troublesome change period for the kids in question. The weakening in parent-kid connections after separation is another driving reason in maladjustment for kids, making them become depressed. With separate from comes a child rearing arrangement or some likeness thereof. A kid may encounter shared guardianship between the two guardians and authority by one parent with appearance by the other parent. Varieties of these plans can be incorporated or included at various occasions in the child’s life relying upon unique conditions. ... Free Essays on Depression In Children Free Essays on Depression In Children Gloom in Children of Divorced Parents The insights for separate in the Y2K time recommend that almost 60% of relationships end in separate. Given this alarming figure, the presumption can be made that numerous youngsters will encounter a few impacts brought about by the groundbreaking occasion called separate. What is it precisely about separation that causes negative ramifications for the youngsters? In what ways will these youngsters be affected? Will these impacts show remotely? The disrupting reality is: little youngsters of separated from guardians face extraordinary mental difficulties because of the ecological conditions and changes related with separate, all the more generally, gloom. Parent struggle seems to pronouncedly affect the adapting endeavors of youngsters. The extreme nervousness and outrage between certain guardians in the beginning periods of separation is genuine. As a rule guardians permit their youngsters to get in savage verbal encounter between them. Scolding the other parent before the youngster is another method of putting the kid in an uncalled for position, which fundamentally is anticipating that the kid should pick between the guardians. A less substantial case of parental clash is the path two inverse sexes identify with each other within the sight of the kids. Moms may regard fathers as though they are less significant and undeserving of regard, the polar opposite can apply as well. Any type of parental clash, regardless of what degree, loans to a troublesome change period for the kids in question. The decay in parent-youngster connections after separation is another driving reason in maladjustment for kids, making them become down and out. With separate from comes a child rearing arrangement or something to that affect. A kid may encounter shared guardianship between the two guardians and care by one parent with appearance by the other parent. Varieties of these plans can be incorporated or included at various occasions in the child’s life relying upon unique conditions. ...
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Communism And Capitalism Are Two Radically Different Forms Of Governme
Socialism and private enterprise are two profoundly various types of government which both intend to give the best life to the residents under its influence. A significant quality of socialism is its expect to ensure that each resident assumes an equivalent job and gets an equivalent portion of the network's benefit. Under free enterprise, all residents are allowed the chance to succeed, yet singular inspiration and ability is required. Since cash is one of the most basic estimations of progress and dependability, the two types of government have their own arranged ways to deal with managing business, exchange, and spread of riches. Socialism is a type of communism or Marxism, first proposed by Karl Marx in the mid-nineteenth century. In the Communist arranged economy, the legislature figures out what is to be created and directs costs and exchange. The residents follow the administration's arrangements and have an equivalent influence in creating the products. The products are circulated among the laborers with the goal that everybody gets an equivalent offer. In principle, everybody is contributing an equivalent part and gets an equivalent portion of the produce, and along these lines class contrasts are wiped out. Everybody, regardless of how huge or little the job, is guaranteed to have enough food and different necessities to live. Socialism should in this way run on the head of penance and collaboration, believing that every individual will do their business to support the whole network. Verifiably, be that as it may, there have been many bombed endeavors at making a steady socialist government. In 1931, Joseph Stalin endeavored to make up for lost time to Western Europe, which he felt was a century in front of his Soviet Union. Additionally, socialism permitted Stalin to maintain a strategic distance from relations with neighboring countries, whom he had quite recently battled in WWI, by keeping his nation independent. His first methodology was to change over the little ranches to state-run agrarian offices, so as to give enough food to the whole country. To do so he needed to conflict with the worker class which ran these homesteads. In spite of the fact that he figured out how to move the greater part of the workers to aggregate ranches, many wrecked their agribusiness in dissent, and a large number of residents starved. For his nation's industry, Stalin set up what was known as the Five Year Plan. A block would set an objective for each organization, presently al l state-claimed, and the organization would need to meet that focus underway inside five years. Bombed endeavors to do so could bring about detainment in work camps or even execution. Rapidly, care for quality items lessened, and creation rose by a huge number of percents. So much consideration was being paid to improving the country's business that fundamental things were being under-delivered. While normal pay rose, and the Soviet Union ended up rapidly getting up to speed in European industry, we despite everything see today the extraordinary neediness that socialism frequently brings to its residents. Destitution is probably the best ruin of bombed socialism. While in a perfect world, all the residents are cooperating and sharing equivalent riches, in reality the deindividualization that the administration implements devastates hard working attitude and inspiration. The outcomes are low assurance, inefficient specialists, and low quality merchandise. Residents of a socialist country see no close to home delight in working for the network, as their difficult work yields indistinguishable compensations from a neighbor's apathy. This indifferent demeanor frequently spirals into a bombed economy. Private enterprise is viewed as something contrary to statist governments, including socialism. It runs on close to home accomplishment and satisfaction. Laborers endeavor to succeed and create quality items since they realize that consequently they will frequently arrive at money related achievement. In entrepreneur social orders like America, there is a guarantee that difficult work will bring even the most unfortunate family to the top class. Without a doubt, commitment and aptitude is the most straight way to wealth, and this motivating force keeps the wheels of the nation's economy running. In an industrialist free market, ventures and exclusive, taking into account rivalry and a more excellent item. In free enterprise private enterprise, another name for the framework, the administration has practically no effect on the economy, put something aside for a couple of compensation laws to guarantee some measure of money related security for under talented specialists. While we run corresponding to some industrialist thoughts, America is definitely not a genuine free enterprise. We have a few projects that are viewed as communist, a
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Conflict Case Study Analysis and Proposal Free Essays
A dangerous clash was made by the gatherings engaged with the contextual investigation 2 segment 2 (Erbe, 2003) when they neglected to perceive the sole motivation behind a profound network. The profound community’s sole object was to join the individuals by driving them through a typical conviction and offering them any help they may require. The profound pioneer was accused of the duty of guaranteeing that the objectives of the network were accomplished. We will compose a custom paper test on A Conflict Case Study Analysis and Proposal or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now Rather than her utilizing the forces presented to her to play out her job and the obligations expected of her, she began to manhandle these forces and as opposed to joining the staff individuals and attracting them near her, she frightened them away. She began utilizing her capacity to manhandle and scare the subordinate staff in her office. This proceeded for so long that it turned into a custom. It was in certainty seen that the otherworldly leader’s goal was to harmed those people she thought didn't have a place with her circle. The issue of a terminated staff came at the time the otherworldly pioneer was likewise filling in as the pioneer of the network. The otherworldly leader’s evident maltreatment of intensity is said to have caused the event of the occurrence. We can not decisively say that the whining group’s allegations made against the pioneer are exact as no up close and personal meeting with the otherworldly pioneer to get her side of the story and remark had at this point been led. This infers realities about the genuine thought process behind the sacking of the staff part and in the case of harassing truly is going on are as yet obscure. In addition, the grumbling gatherings may be misrepresenting in depicting their allegations against the profound pioneer as there consistently is probability of psychological and perceptual mutilations happening where such issues are concerned. This calls for additional examination concerning the issue as it is important to set up reality and furthermore see whether the perceptual and bending speculations are available in the issue. Note that the association included just ladies. Be that as it may, the way of life of the association is more manly than ladylike. This depends on the in transit the pioneer executed her administration obligations. Her desires for the staff individuals were more inflexible than what is regularly expected of female associations (Erbe, 2003). The pioneer made force and status, had coordinated understanding to directed consideration and assembled thoughts seriously which is normal for manly associations (Erbe. 2003). These authority attributes subsequently made the otherworldly pioneer manly as she didn't apply the female administration abilities that are normally increasingly unique. This made her contention with the remainder of the staff individuals as her rendition of authority was not great with them (Erbe, 2003).  These distinctions in the manner the initiative was taken care of caused the principal period of contention which continued with time as in the heightening ruinous clash model made by Erbe. The contention continued as individuals from the staff who were not in the leader’s circle got frightened of contradicting her maltreatment and tormenting. This came about to rehashed maltreatment by the pioneer as nobody had the option to confront her. This in the long run activated amassing of sick sentiments against the pioneer among the staff individuals. This was even exacerbated by the way that the otherworldly pioneer was not meeting the staff member’s root desire for her. Typically individuals anticipate that profound pioneers should be caring, reasonable, just and others conscious, this was anyway not so with this pioneer. The grumbling gathering was later engaged when a law graduate entered the contention and joined their side. She made them mindful of beneficiary lawful rights which they didn't know previously. She disclosed to them that they could document a suite against the otherworldly pioneer for manhandling them. This was a strengthening to the grumbling party as they became more acquainted with that there was a scene for them to air their complaints and worries with the expectation of finding support. More maltreatment from the pioneer were accounted for, for instance there is an occasion where she is said to have loudly manhandled a secretary who later went to look for directing as she had been profoundly harmed by the maltreatment. The pinnacle of the contention was experienced when one of the staff individuals was found with a firearm. Viciousness which is known to be a definitive sign of a contention for the most part triggers ruinous and undesired elements (Erbe, 2003). Step by step instructions to refer to A Conflict Case Study Analysis and Proposal, Free Case study tests
Peer Violence Essay
Companion brutality/misuse is something that happens in the regular daily existence of certain individuals and their families. Friend viciousness/misuse is the point at which an individual experiences ill-advised or uncalled for physical or verbal abuse, injury, rape, infringement, unfair practices, improper practice or custom, offense, and wrongdoing. There are various sorts of friend savagery, for example, verbal, physical, digital harassing, and social estrangement. As you keep on perusing you will better comprehend the impact, outcomes (in school and out of school), and instances of companion savagery. Youth brutality has had a major influence of regular day to day existence for a few; youth viciousness incorporates tormenting, punching, slapping, obnoxious attack and utilizing weapons, towards another. These fierce demonstrations are an interruption to people’s energetic hoods and to the learning procedure. The most genuine impact that young viciousness has on individuals is passing and injury; most understudies are survivors of murders in the schools and suicides at home. A large portion of these passings happen previously, after, or during noon. Different casualties can be instances of nonfatal wounds like cuts, broken bones, wounds and even gunfire wounds. Some can even have a drawn out impact on an individual inwardly/intellectually, an individual can endure wretchedness, dread others, uneasiness and even post-awful pressure which doesn't simply impact the individual however it additionally impacts the people close family and dear companions. Friend brutality can influence the manner in which a kid lives and their lives, they will feel disgrace for being a casualty and won’t tell anyone what’s going on and could be anxious about the possibility that that the issue may heighten in the event that they do tell a confided in grown-up. In ongoing news, in Southern Las Vegas two siblings were condemned to prison and remedial offices for the tormenting of a crippled kid who went to their school. The young men had one of their companions record the assaulting of the kid and posted it on YouTube. One of the young men was condemned to a year of probation and 40 hours of network administration while the other was condemned to spend time in jail at Spring Mountain Youth Camp with management until discharged. Results are something numerous individuals don't consider before they started tormenting one another or started assaulting each other. In many schools a discipline is 3 to 6 days of suspension and even a court date with the person in question. In Las Vegas relying upon your age you can get anything from probation to 30 days in an adolescent amendment community or a restorative place, for example, boy’s town or Spring Mountain Youth Camp. of-school-viciousness on-casualties of-school-brutality on-casualties
Friday, August 21, 2020
Parenting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Child rearing - Essay Example This paper quickly investigations the significance of child rearing. As indicated by Dr. Alvin F. Poussaint, Most youngsters need their folks' assistance and consolation to find the fulfillment of utilizing their own minds (Thoughts for Today). Mental improvement of kids is as significant as the physical turn of events. Numerous guardians even the informed guardians focus more on the physical improvement of the youngsters and give less significance to the mental or passionate turn of events. Such guardians accept that their obligation stays just in giving legitimate food, apparel and safe house to the kids till they become grown-ups. Truth be told parents’ love, care and consideration are more essential to the kids than the food or other physical things. Developing youngsters don't have a clue how to adjust with its encompassing. He will look dubiously or restlessly at all new things which may grab his eye. The nearness of guardians and their recommendation will help the young sters in managing new circumstances all the more easily. â€Å"Some guardians accept that in the event that they've gone through an hour of value time with their kids, they've done what's necessary. This hour is typically centered around a charming action: staring at the TV going out to eat, going out to see the films, etc†(Parenting Tips: Giving Your Children the Gift of Time). A considerable lot of the moms are experts and they get less time to go through with their kids. Newborn children and youngsters frequently compelled to invest their greater part energy in the day care focuses with caretakers as opposed to moms. The administrations of caretakers can never be considered as the substitute of mother’s administrations to a youngster. So as to make up for the less time went through with the youngsters; some working moms have the propensity for going through an hour with the kids when they return their home. They are of the deception that going through an hour as a companion with their kids is sufficient for the best possible advancement of their kids. Youngsters need the administrations of guardians instead of companions. In the event that guardians give the administrations of friends, from where the youngsters will get the administrations of guardians? â€Å"Suffice it to state that blameworthy child rearing overcompensates and makes youngsters see themselves as casualties. This happens on the grounds that youngsters model our conduct and point their fingers at the parent who blames himself†(Parenting Tips: Giving Your Children the Gift of Time). Guardians who neglected to invest sufficient energy with their youngsters regularly attempt to give more love and care to their kids whenever they get chances to invest time with their kids. This overcompensation for the most part damage to the youngsters as opposed to products. Over exercises of guardians will expand the children’s want for the nearness of their folks further and fur ther. Inability to invest expanded energy with guardians will build up the sentiment of exploitation among kids. As indicated by Frank A. Clark, â€Å"The most significant thing that guardians can encourage their kids is the means by which to get along without them†(Parenting Quotes). Making the kids independent to meet the real factors in life is the center of good child rearing. Guardians are the primary educators in a child’s life. They consider their folks as the good examples throughout their life. Whatever the things they gained from the guardians or family will frequently reflect in their conduct in the public eye. Society or schools can do little in the trim of youngsters when we think about the jobs guardians can
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
There are a lot of awesome things named Kaiser
There are a lot of awesome things named ‘Kaiser’ This entry from Elizabeth in 2010 has been re-posted in celebration and congratulations to our new provost Professor Chris Kaiser. You can read more about Prof. Kaisers new appointment here. __ It’s true. Evidence: 1. Kaiser rolls. So much better than normal rolls. 2. Kaiser Chiefs. Actually, I was never a huge fan of this band, but they produced some catchy tunes a couple years ago. (For fans of alt-rockers like Franz Ferdinand, The Bravery, Neon Trees, Bloc Party, The Fratellis, etc…) 3. Kaisers. The German emperors. Actually, their awesomeness is debatable. So nevermind. 4. Kaiser. The card game. (Apparently there’s a Canadian card game named “Kaiser.â€) 5. Kaiser, Missouri. Actually, the only thing awesome about this town is that it’s 1.5 hours away from mine. So nevermind. (Sorry if I just offended any Kaiserians.) 6. PROFESSOR. CHRIS. KAISER. This man taught the first ten lectures of 7.03 (Genetics) and is the head of the Course 7 (biology) department at MIT (he’s also an alum! Ph.D ’87 represent!). I’m going to miss him, although our new lecturer is equally awesome (shout-out to my homeboy Prof. Peter Reddien! Also an MIT alum, Ph.D ’02… he’s like a boy-wonder of biology. Except he’s an adult.). In honor of his departure from our 7.03 class, I figured I’d dedicate a post to him and write this open letter: Open letter to C. Kaiser: Dear Professor Kaiser, You are hilarious. Mostly because I don’t think you realize how hilarious you are. And your lecture notes are awesome. And your lectures are awesome. And YOU are awesome. Sincerely, Elizabeth This is him during our first lecture. He was trying to demonstrate the effects of mutations in the shibire gene in drosophila â€" when you heat them up, they become paralyzed. However, the flies in his demonstration weren’t becoming paralyzed as fast as he wanted them to. So this happened. This is him explaining the profundity of anaphase in mitosis. I listened to lectures on mitosis upteen times in high school. This was definitely the coolest lecture on mitosis I’d ever heard. How does the spindle apparatus “know†which chromosomes match up with which during anaphase (dividing of the cell)? You just kind of learn that the copies get pulled apart (side note: if you’re ever in an exam and you don’t know the answer to a question, “Magic!†is always an appropriate response), but you never learn the mechanism. And then you take it for granted. Which is lame. To demonstrate the sheer awesomeness of this process, Prof. Kaiser blindfolded himself, pretended to be a spindle apparatus, and sorted a series of ridiculous socks he bought the day before in front of the class. Didn’t work too great. THEN, he tied each pair together around the middle, so that he knew he was pulling matching ones apart because of the tension he felt. OUR CELLS DO THE SAME THING! Except we have chromosomes instead of socks. And we have cohesives instead of string. And we have microtubules instead of Chris Kaiser. Darn. This is him explaining how three-factor crosses help you map genes relative to each other. On this particular day, he kind of lost track of time. Hilarity (and confusion) ensued as he frantically tried to explain it to us in the remaining minutes of class (good thing we had recitation afterward). In short, thanks for being an awesome professor, Prof. Kaiser. I hope you’re not too creeped out by me. Also â€" I’m planning on a video blog for next time (try to contain your excitement). Post any questions you’d like me to answer in my video in the comments section (or e-mail me). Person with the most interesting question gets… brownie points. I’ll think you’re cool, or something like that.
Saturday, June 20, 2020
2017 Top 40 Undergraduate Professors Cinthia Satornino, University of Connecticut
2017 Top 40 Undergraduate Professors: Cinthia Satornino, University of Connecticut by: Andrea Carter on September 18, 2017 | 0 Comments Comments 608 Views September 18, 2017Cinthia SatorninoAssistant Professor of MarketingUniversity of Connecticut School of BusinessWhile some are talking about diversifying the student and faculty populations at business schools, Cinthia Satornino is doing her part to help drive change. The University of Connecticut marketing professor is the founding co-chair of the Committee for Hispanic Excellence in Business. In 2016 she developed and implemented a first-of-its-kind program that gathered business schools, employers, and policymakers to address ongoing challenges that are faced by Hispanic college students. Satornino and the initiatives she’s driving are products of The PhD Project, a nonprofit focused on increasing the number of African-American, Hispanic-American, and Native American business school professors. Satornino is also a wel l-known academic in the field of marketing. Her expertise in firms leveraging their social structures to increase productivity has resulted in an Emerging Scholar status from given to her by Diverse Magazine.Age: 42At current institution since: 2017Education: 2014 PhD, Marketing, Florida State University; 2007 MBA, Management and Marketing, University of Florida; 2004 BS, Liberal Studies, Engineering and Behavioral Sciences, Business Minor, University of Central FloridaList of courses currently teaching: Marketing ManagementFun fact about yourself: At one point in my life, I wanted to be a professional surfer and became a stockbroker to support my surfing dreams. I earned my Series 7/63 with the goal of trading international markets at night and surfing during the day.â€Å"I knew I wanted to be a business school professor when†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I met Dr. Henry Tosi during my MBA program. He broke every misconception I had about being a professor. For example, he showed us â€Å"The Godfather†the first three days of class to demonstrate organizational politics (he taught a power and politics class at the University of Florida). Then I went to the PhD Project conference for prospective doctoral students, learned about the joys of research and the call to mentorship, and walked away knowing this was the path for me.â€Å"If I weren’t a business school professor†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I’d be an artist with a shop that sells art and curiosities that I gathered from all over the world. Either that or a theoretical physicist.â€Å"One word that describes my first time teaching†InvigoratingWhat do you enjoy most about teaching undergraduate business students? Their creativity, innovation, energy, and fearlessness truly amaze and impress me. I’ve met the most incredibly inspiring individuals in the classroom. I feel lucky to be a part of their journey!What is the biggest challenge that comes with teaching undergraduate business st udents? Because they are talented and capable – and much more sophisticated and experienced, I believe, than students of the past – sometimes they fight against any experience of failure. Helping them embrace failure as a part of a successful journey is critical – and at times, quite challenging.What is the most impressive thing one of your undergraduate students has done? Wow, there are so many success stories to choose from! One of my students was offered a significant contract from HSN, but turned it down to start his own recording studio, while another started his own company as well where he and his partners were pitching to VCs.What is the least favorite thing one has done? Start an email with the greeting, â€Å"Yo, Prof†¦Ã¢â‚¬ What does a student need to do to get an A in your class? Think critically and be willing to take a riskâ€Å"When it comes to grading, I think students would describe me as †¦Ã¢â‚¬ Toughâ€Å"But I would desc ribe myself as †¦Ã¢â‚¬ Tough, but fairWhat are your hobbies? I love making any form of art. Currently, I’m learning wood burning. I also love to read and have a voracious appetite for random topics. I love trying new restaurants. I love swimming – but in warm water. I love walking through the woods. And I’ve recently rediscovered the joys of inline skating (hello 90’s!)How did you spend your summer? I traveled for conferences and research projects mostly. But there is one thing I did that was really cool (for me). I’m deathly afraid of heights, so this is a big deal. The husband of one of my coauthors (who is a very good friend) is a professional skydiver and paraglider. So while I was in Southern California for a conference, she had her husband push me off a cliff in La Jolla for my forty-second birthday – with a wing and him as the tandem instructor, of course! It was absolutely incredible. I’m still afraid of heights, tho ugh.Favorite place to vacation: My favorite so far has been Zion Park in Utah, with Annecy, FR as a close second.Favorite book: Oh lordy, that’s like asking me to pick a favorite child. Fiction, non-fiction, scientific?! I just can’t! I read so much and hoard books. This is an impossible question.Favorite movie and/or television show: Same feeling as above. This is an impossible question but, only because I am currently doing research in psychopathy so it’s quite salient, I have an answer – American Psycho.Favorite type of music and/or favorite artist: Jack Johnson and Jason Mraz, though I’m currently a little enamored of Passenger.Bucket list item #1: Go back to Argentina as an adultWhat professional achievement are you most proud of? I would say I have yet to achieve itWhat is your most memorable moment as a professor? Two specific moments come to mind. The first is the when an individual I’ve recruited or mentored discovers the pass ion and desire to be a business professor, and makes it through the process. I do a lot of volunteer work in recruiting underrepresented minorities into business PhD programs in partnership with the PhD Project. Diversity in the classroom improves the experience for all students, regardless of race or ethnicity. The moment when I see the light shine in their eyes as the future unfolds in their mind is amazing. The other is the exact opposite: falling on my face in the classroom (figuratively, not literally) when transitioning institutions. I think it helped me to get better at understanding my students and adapting to their changing needs. And as an artist, I follow the teachings of the great philosopher, Bob Ross; I don’t believe in mistakes, just â€Å"happy little accidents.†Professor you most admire and why: This is a tough one to ask. I’ve been blessed with so many incredible role models and mentors who inspire, guide, support me: Mike Brady, Mike Brusco, C harlie Hofacker, and Gerald Ferris at FSU, Mark Houston at TCU, Jose Rosa at Iowa State, Gloria Barczak at NU, John Peloza at UK, Bill Ross at UCONN, Willy Bolander at FSU, Alexis Allen at UK, Rebeca Perren at CSUSM, Cecilia Ruvalcava at UPacific, Jennifer Zarzosa at UArkansas, and Nancy Sirianni at UAlabama. There are many I am not naming here, but absolutely should. I am lucky to work in a field with so many people to admire, who make incredible role models and help make the field a better place. What they share in common is that they combine passion for the field, selflessness in helping others, dedicated and talented researchers, and excellence in the classroom. Most importantly, professionally and personally, they are genuinely good and ethical people. That is why I admire them most.What are you currently researching and what is the most significant discovery youve made from it? In general, I research interpersonal social networks and how they impact innovation and performan ce. Most recently, I’ve been interested in exploring how personal traits impact how structural social capital is leveraged. The paper I’m currently working on is looking at what are generally considered negative traits, and showing their â€Å"bright side†in terms of performance. The most interesting implications of this research is the finding that what are generally considered good management practices may backfire when managing these â€Å"bright side of the dark side†cases, reducing performance advantages for those individuals high in the negative traits. In other words, managers may, in trying to engage in managerial best practices, actually hurt the performance of some of their top performers.Twitter handle: N/Aâ€Å"If I had my way, the business school of the future would have much more of this†¦Ã¢â‚¬ External experience throughout the program of education. Less classroom time, more field time. More games, more simulations, more interd isciplinary work. Students need to get out of the silos of their majors more often.â€Å"And much less of this†Lectures and PowerPoint presentationsLooking ahead 10 years from now, describe what â€Å"success†would like for you: For me, success in my career would mean that I am impacting practice and scholarly activity with my research, that I am preparing the students of my institution students for their careers effectively and arming them with the tools they need to be successful, and that I am a good member of my university. In short, that I am contributing to the betterment of society and advancement of science in my own small way. What that looks like specifically, well, I can’t say. I’m still a (wannabe) surfer at heart, I choose the waves but the sea chooses the destination.Students say†¦Professor Satornino is undoubtedly highly knowledgeable of the topic and she brings in current events/ real-world examples to the marketing concepts whic h helps quite a bit in understanding the material. In addition, the case studies and TED talks were interesting, engaging, and useful. I think overall, Professor Satorninos intention to encourage participation and link the topics to relevant examples were the most positive aspects of how she taught this course.I thought having engaging activities was very helpful in teaching the subject. If she had just given normal lectures to teach the course, it would not have been as effective. I enjoyed having the case pack and I enjoyed all of the TED talks that she showed. they were relevant and insightful. Overall, I think she had the right balance of lecture material, and activities. She seemed very comfortable and knowledgeable and I loved listening to her teach.I was definitely pushed out of my comfort zone and felt like a lot more was expected out of me in this course compared to my other business courses, which was good. Even though I didnt like writing case memos I think they were g reat practice for the real world, and got me more excited about Marketing as my major.She is one of the most talented instructors I have ever had the pleasure of learning from and being mentored through. She has the ability to draw every student’s attention to the front of the room and make marketing and business relatable topic from a local scale to a global scale. In my academic career, I have rarely experienced a setting quite the classroom of Professor Satornino, where every students’ attention is captured consistently. Page 1 of 11
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